Chapter 7: A Visitor

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The next day, a visitor came to visit.

A handsome man in military uniform arrived at the village and went straight to Zhang Wei's home. Zhang Wei greeted him at the door with a smile.

"Cheng Yong, it's good to see you again," Zhang Wei said, clasping his friend's hand.

Cheng Yong laughed and said, "It's good to see you too, my friend. And who is this lovely lady?"

Smiling at Li Mei.

Li Mei looked at him too and could not help but study Cheng Yong, the man who just arrived.

Cheng Yong stands at an impressive 190 centimeters tall, towering over most people in the village. His features are sharp and defined, with piercing eyes that seem to scrutinize everything they see. He carries himself with the confidence and poise of someone from a military family, and his demeanor exudes an air of authority.

Despite his height and sharp features, there is a certain warmth and approachability to Cheng Yong. His smile is infectious, and his laughter can fill a room with joy. He is often described as being "as cool as a cucumber" in high-pressure situations, and his composure is one of his greatest strengths.

Cheng Yong's skin is a shade lighter than Zhang Wei's, and his hair is styled in a sleek, modern cut. The military uniform he is wearing emphasized his lean, muscular frame. All in all, Cheng Yong is an impressive figure, both physically and in terms of his character.

Zhang Wei turned to Li Mei and introduced her. "This is my wife, Li Mei. Li Mei, this is my good friend from the military, Cheng Yong."

Li Mei smiled politely and greeted Cheng Yong. "It's nice to meet you."

Li Mei could not help but compare Zhang Wei and Cheng Yong in her mind.

Zhang Wei is a sturdy man with broad shoulders and calloused hands from working in the fields. His face was weathered and tanned from the sun, giving him a rugged and masculine look. In comparison to Cheng Yong, Zhang Wei was shorter by 5 centimeters and his complexion was a little darker. Zhang Wei's temperament was like winter, reserved and stoic, only showing his warmth and affection to people close to him.

On the other hand, Cheng Yong was a handsome man with sharp features and a chiseled jawline. His skin was fair and smooth, making him look refined and elegant. His appearance was like spring, vibrant and fresh, bringing a sense of energy wherever he went.

Unlike Zhang Wei, Cheng Yong looks to have a more outgoing and sociable temperament.

Cheng Yong also couldn't help but notice how much more beautiful Li Mei looked since the last time he saw her. It was right after their wedding and he just glanced at her from afar.

Back then, she looked malnourished and was too thin. Her skin was dark then too. However, now, her skin was whiter, and her eyes were bright and sparkling.

"You are gith on time. I was just about to cook breakfast." Li Mei said.

Zhang Wei invited Cheng Yong inside their house.

Li Mei went in the kitchen, and stirred the pot of sweet potato porridge she was cooking. The fragrant smell of the porridge wafted through the air, making her mouth water. She knew it was going to be delicious.

Li Mei arrived in the kitchen carrying the pot of sweet potato porridge. Zhang Wei stood up and carried the pot for her and put it on the table.

Cheng Yong inhaled the delicious aroma. "Mmm, that smells amazing. What are you cooking Li Mei?"

"Yes Mom! It smells delicious!" The twins chimed in, just getting out of the bedroom.

Li Mei chuckled and patted each of the twins head. "Just some sweet potato porridge."

She then turned to Cheng Yong, "Would you like to try some?"

Cheng Yong's eyes lit up. "Yes, please!"

Li Mei served Cheng Yong a bowl of the porridge, and he eagerly took a spoonful. The sweetness of the sweet potato and the creaminess of the porridge combined perfectly, making it a comforting and satisfying dish.

"This is delicious," Cheng Yong said, his mouth full of porridge.

Li Mei beamed. "Thank you, I'm glad you like it."

"Yes Mom! It's delicious." The twins chimed in too.

Zhang Wei looked at the twins and then at Li Mei with a tender smile on his lips.

"Cheng Yong will go with me to meet the village chief after work. We'll take a look at the situation because some villagers have symptoms of vomiting and loose bowels in the past few days. The village chief is worried that there might be an outbreak of a disease. Would you like to come with us to take a look?"

Zhang Wei did not know why but he thinks that Li Mei can help them solve this problem.

"Okay! I will come." Li Mei frowned. She was concerned and felt that it might be a diarrhea outbreak. They will need to solve this early so as not to affect more villagers.

The villagers here just get their water from the river and drink it directly.

Li Mei boiled their drinking water at home because she doesn't want the twins to drink water directly from the river. It is easy to fall sick if you drink unclean water, especially for children.

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