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"It doesn't count when your a boy"

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"It doesn't count when your a boy"


In the morning Carl informed me that he had to go in to work, so I thanked Fiona one last time, hugged Debbie, met the other Gallagher siblings, and left. I've been home for about a hour. My mom wasn't home and to be honest I didn't give a fuck. I just went up stairs and threw my hair in a pony tail, put on sweatpants, and sat looking outside my window. I was playing music when I heard my phone buzz. I grab my phone and look at it, it was carl.

Carl <3: hey, do you think you would wanna hang out after my shift?

Nova: sure! What time do you get off?

Carl <3: 2:15

I look at the time and it was 1 now.

Nova: yes ofc I'll be there in a few.

Carl <3: ok be safe <3

I like his message and get up from my bed. I grab my phone and continue playing 'one' by Metallica. I let my hair down and brush it out before throwing on a sweater and some jeans on. I throw in some concealer and mascara along with some lipstick and head out. I didn't bother to grab my keys because I'm not gonna lock the door. If I get robbed oh well. Nothing valuable anyways.

I start walking down the street and eventually make it to Carl's work. I lean against the wall and I can see through in the back some older lady talking to Carl.

"I think it's time we have a chat about our relationship now." She says.

Carl puts down the mop and steps closer.

"Like a performance review, cause I'm your employee?" He asks.

The lady cocks her head to the side and walks closer to him.

"Carl." She says.

"Carl, carl, carl." She says while trailing her fingers up his chest.

"Lori- we can't the employee manual says-"

"I wrote the employee manual carl." She says with a sick smile.

"Uh- ok well there's someone else." He says getting more on edge.

"Who? And I saw you checking out that little Gordita today." She says.

"The new girl? I wasn't checking her out?" He said confused.

He cocks his head to the side.

"I have someone else." He adds.

"The brunette with the dog tags?" She asks.

Carl just stays quiet.

"Plus your my boss. And old." He adds.

"No more talking, carl." She says as she puts her hands on his shoulders.

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