3 - who the hell is this

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"Is she ok? What happened to her forehead?"

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Is she ok? What happened to her forehead?"

When we got to his house we got up the stairs when Debbie was already inside. I heard a older females voice saying something.

"Debbie what's wrong?"

"Fiona!" Carl yells.

"Carl what going on? Who the hell is this?" Fiona says.

"This is nova She is a good friend of me and Debbie's and she's a good person, I'll fill you in in a second." Carl says.

"Is she ok? What happened to her forehead?" Fiona asks.

"I got assaulted." I shrug.

"I already know what your gonna ask Carl and of course. Hey, nova was it? How about we run you a bath or something ok?" Fiona ask.

"Yeah sure. Thank you, I hope I'm not intruding or anything." I say as she leads me to the bathroom.

"No honey your not don't worry. Truth be told any other time i see a girl hanging around carl they just want in his pants." She jokes around.

I laugh as she leads me to the bathroom.

"Left is hot water, right is cold water. Use whatever you need. I can lend you some other clothes if you want?" She offers.

"Thank you so much. It's ok thank you, I don't wanna do that." I answer.

"Ok hunny. Just let me know if you need anything ok?" She says.

I nod and feel my eyes tear up a little as she leaves. I know she isn't their mother, only their sister. But she was more of a mother than my actual mother was. As I turn on the water and take my clothes off, I tie my hair up when I hear carl and Fiona talking. Carl was filling her in on everything and Fiona sounded disgusted with the situation.

"I'm gonna go check on debs." She says.

A few minutes later I hear a knock at the door.

"I'm just making sure if your ok." Carl says.

I stop crying for a second and answer him.

"Yeah I'm ok." I say with my voice cracking at one point.

"Nova...I'm so sorry. For everything bad that's happened to you." He admits.

"I'll be out in a moment." I say.

Truth be told I got out of the bath and got dressed already. My hair was down and I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. When I open the door I can see carl leaning against the railing of the stairs. When he hears me he turns around and faces me.

"Come on." He says as I follow him to his room.

"We don't really have a spare room at the moment so you can stay in here, I'll take the couch or something." He says.

"Carl." I say.

He turns to me and I cock my head to the side.

"Don't take the couch." I say.

He just looks at me and then walks to his closet and hands me one of his shirts.

"I know that shirt isn't gonna keep you warm." He says.

"Thank you." I say.

He turns around to fix something on his tv and I slip his shirt on. When he was done with the tv he was just standing there until I gave him the clear to turn around.  He looks at me for a moment before he walks over to his bed. He lays down and I follow him. When we both are laying down we are facing each other.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me.

"I'm ok. Thank you for everything. By the way how's Debbie?" I ask.

"She's ok. She just feels a lot of guilt for what happened to you." He says.

"It's not her fault." I say.

"I know." He says as he just looks at me.

After a minute goes by of us just looking at each other he reaches his hand to my face and tuck hair being my ear. My heart speeds up and I could tell his did too.

"We should probably get some rest." He says.

I nod but keep looking at him.

"What?" He asks.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing your just staring at me." he says

"Your doing it too." I say.

He thinks for a moment before saying anything.

"Yeah but, you have been doing it longer." He says.

"Maybe." I say as I look away.

He just grabs my face and makes me look at him again.

"I didn't say to stop." He says.

My heart picks up and he sits up. I look at him in confusion before he signals for me to sit up. When I sit up he just looks at me more.

"What are you doing?" I ask nervously.

"What?" He mocks me.

I laugh and scoot closer to him and lean against him. I can feel him wrap a arm around me, rubbing the thumb back and forth on my arm. After a minute he slides back down to lay down and didn't let go of me while he does so. Because he did that, when we lay down we are practically cuddling. To be honest...

I liked it.

Web of lies [ Carl Gallagher ] Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat