"Does he know about your histrionic personality disorder?" Shakur asked, "I told you when we first found out you were pregnant that it was something you needed to tell him before y'all made the decision to keep my grandson."

Once Kennedy didn't respond he shook his head, "I'm sorry dad. It's just so embarrassing— even the doctors said that they usually don't diagnose people with it until after they're eighteen... it's so hard to deal with. I can't help it that I constantly need reassurance or validation.. I seek attention good or bad from others, my mind doesn't work normally and I can't function properly without my medication." She paused and wiped her eyes, before continuing to speak again.

"All of that on top of being pregnant has me all over the place, the need to have all the attention on me is way much worse now and I know he's busy with football, schools coming back up, we're going to be seniors and I know that once his attention is off of me even for a second— I'll get bored and seek it from anyone else," she sobbed, "But I love him dad, I do."

Shakur pulled her into a hug and let her cry, "He's not wrong though. I don't appreciate you hitting him when you know what he endured already at home, I know you didn't have the most normal childhood and that plays a factor in your condition. I know you two are young but keeping something as serious as this away from him will only make you two clash. We can understand perfectly— but he can't understand what you won't tell him. That's not on him, it's on you because although no one can control it, he can have a better understanding of how to approach certain things with you better," He made her look at him.

"You need to tell him and apologize to him, he's a good kid. Most teenagers would have left you out here to be a single mom, I watch him wait on you hand and foot when he is here and he didn't deserve you hitting him or lashing out. I know you sugar coated' some shit though. He wouldn't have blew up if those messages weren't more than anything but friendly."

Kennedy sniffled, "He doesn't want anything to do with me— he's already talking to the captain of the cheer squad, and she's not even that cute." She frowned.

Shakur held back his laughter, "We both know he love you. Just put your pride to the side before he does get serious with her, trust me that's the last thing you want."

"I'll talk to him— can you take me to the school?"


Arriving to the school Kennedy made her way to the football field where they held practice. It never mattered if it was on/off season, they seemed to practice year round. She had asked her dad to stay in the car and assured him that she could handle it. Shakur eyed her for a while before trusting her decision to not show out or embarrass Joshua in front of his teammates.

Walking on the field she noticed everyone was sitting in the bleachers, her eyes raked for Joshua and instantly frowned seeing Isis— the cheer squad captain sitting next to him. His arm tossed over her shoulder as he whispered in her ear. Isis giggled— Kennedy's fist balled so tight she was sure her fingernails pierced her skin.

Walking up to the two Isis noticed her first and sent a smirk her way, his homeboys quickly cleared their throats and got his attention.

The entire school knew how crazy Kennedy was— and after that fight she had been in they knew she wasn't nothing to play with fighting wise. She fought like she had been trained to do so all her life— Shakur taught her how to fight when she used to get bullied in eighth grade and he regretted it when she got expelled for punching the little girl in the throat, causing her to stop breathing for a second before nearly choking to death.

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