Warehouses are not meant for children

Start from the beginning

"Hmm..." Dazai sniggers, "Since you asked me so nicely, I guess I could tell you... There are people planning to attack a Port Mafia owned warehouse here in Hosu. How convenient we happened to be here..."

Only Dazai knows the destination, checking his phone every few minutes or so. Their bickering contrasts with the dead silence in the streets. Streetlights seem to blink at them as they pass under them,

"Ughh... are we almost there?" Chuuya complains like a child on a long car ride.

"Tsk tsk Chibi, be patient!" He tuts with his fingers. "We'll be there soon~"

Chuuya sighs, internally admitting defeat. Dazai won't tell him anything useful anyways. He opts to glare at the windows of each building they pass.

"Ouch! What was that for, you dumb mackerel??" Chuuya scolds as he crashes into Dazai, who suddenly stops out of the blue.

"Tada! We've arrived!" He says, spreading his arms out to reveal a run down looking warehouse.

"Seriously? This is the place we got called out to??" Chuuya groans, opening the creaky doors to reveal hundreds of boxes, filled with an assortment of goods to be transported to the Port Mafia headquarters.

The place looks old, with cobwebs cluttering the corners of the room and between crates. Chuuya is even sure he can spot a rat scurrying between a few packages. The room is dark with small amounts of moonlight peeking through the windows. And dusty. Super dusty.

"Where is every-" Chuuya is interrupted by the sound of sobs distantly heard.

The two halt, slowly creeping towards the noises. Around the corner are children, around five of them. There are shackles around each of their ankles, all chained to a point on the wall. Most of the expression on their faces could be described as utter defeat. No one is trying to escape anymore, as they've completely given up on their future. Chuuya can't even mask the shocked expression that leaks out of his stoic facade.

"What the fuck?" Chuuya spits out.

"Don't act like clueless Chibi! It's not like it's a secret that one of the Port Mafia's sources of income has to do with trafficking."

"I know..." He faces away from Dazai, "It's just more shocking to see it first hand." Chuuya defends himself, clenching his fist.

Obviously, he knows, who didn't? He was tricked into the mafia himself, but it was unnerving. The poor faces of these kids, no older than ten all huddled up in a corner in rags. Chuuya knows he is powerless in this situation. He can't disobey his orders. He can't. Or is that an excuse because he is afraid? He can't look at the miserable children.

"C'mon. We don't have all day." Dazai shoves past Chuuya to greet the man in charge of this warehouse. He's typing on his phone urgently, brows furrowed at whatever is on the screen. Dazai taps his shoulder.

"You must be Kageyama, I'm Dazai. My partner and I were informed by the boss that this warehouse may come under a raid. To prevent this, we're transporting our goods to another location. You and your men wll load up the supplies into the trucks around the back of the building, where the driver will take all of it to the drop off point. Nakahara will assist you with his ability." Dazai orders them around.

Everyone in the warehouse hurries to start loading up the vehicles after hearing Dazai's name. Chuuya complies with his orders, sending glances to the children looking at him with anticipation in their eyes. He knows what they are hoping he will do, and he wishes he could help. Dazai had told him he wasn't cut out for the mafia. Chuuya denied it, obviously.

He still thinks he's not the worst fit for it. Sure, this isn't the life he would have hoped for but he has a place to belong. And he's never been that good of a person anyways. In some twisted way, he compares it to the sheep, a group of miserable kids banded together in hopes to survive.

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