38: Trysta Xavier Lewis.

Start from the beginning

"Not even a single word against my wife Father. I have just killed for her and I won't think twice about killing for her again and again.

And she is not Trysta fucking White.
She is my wife, Trysta Xavier Lewis.

Queen of the empire which is hers and the sole queen of the empire which is fucking mine!

Anybody disrespecting her is disrespecting me.

And anybody.
Whoever is even thinking for her bad, would face the worst.
No questions asked!!

So don't even repeat what you have uttered now.

I hope I have made myself very clear to you."

He did not say anything for a minute and silence was what prevailed between us.

"Don't become a weakling for her. This is not how I have raised you, Xavier Lewis.
You are not supposed to be like this!
Not for her at least!"

My so-called father barked from the other side and I cared less.

He is getting away with that tone on me, just because he is the reason for my birth that's it.

"I hope we both have clearly said what we wanted each other to know. Now I would take your leave, Father. I have some important business on my hand right now,"

Those were the last words I uttered and cut the damm call without giving him any chance to say something.

The anger started surging in my veins and it was getting worse with every passing minute.

I wanted to see her now at any cost.
All those nasty words of his kept ringing in my ear and I wanted nothing else than to destroy something or someone.

Once I reached the destination, I didn't waste a single second to open the door and hurriedly scramble towards my suite.

I open the door of our bedroom and see my wife was not in the bed.

It was just eleven or something in the morning and I was expecting my wife to be asleep as we were fucking each other the whole night till dawn.

I heard the sound of the shower running and I knew my next stop.

Discarding my clothes in the room, I went inside the bathroom and see her petite figure getting drenched sexily in the hot water.

As soon as I open the glass door of the shower corner, I see her body getting stiff and I know she got to know about my presence just behind her.

I simply snaked my arms around her and let the hot water drench me as it was doing to her.

I wasn't in the mood for sex, for I know she is still very sore from last night also we both needed each other emotionally right now.

As I am sure she might be upset waking up alone in the morning, especially on her birthday with me fucking her last night like an unhinged animal.

I started massaging her lower stomach and let her body get relaxed in my hold.

Neither of us said anything and I liked it this way. I just wanted to let it sink deep inside me that she is with me. She will always be with me.

I won't let anything or anyone in this whole Damm world perform otherwise.

I kissed her shoulder softly and turn off the shower. Grabbing the towel I pat her body dry delicately and then put her in the bathrobe.

All the while I could feel her eyes on me but I did not meet them and kept doing my work.

Nowadays the looks that she is giving me are fucking with my whole system. She is making me feel all sorts of things that am not supposed to feel.

Those soft innocent eyes of hers are, breaming with vulnerability, care, trust, happiness and most unfortunately love.

And I am fucking bastard to love those looks and getting fucking addicted to them.

These looks of hers are becoming my weaknesses and I won't think twice before bringing down the whole damm world for her if she asks with those looks in her eyes.

Once I was sure she is secured perfectly in the robe, I also tied a towel around my waist and took us inside the bedroom.

I have made some plans for us and am sure she would be delighted to experience them.

For now, I ordered her favorite breakfast which include all sorts of junk and chocolate, for us and made her wear one of my shirts as I love the sight of her in my clothes and took us to the room where we were getting a good view of outside as it was still snowing a little.

I made her sit on my lap and let her snuggle closer to me. I just kissed her head and made a promise to always keep her safe even if it costs my own fucking life.

Published on- 16.04 23

Our man Xavier is a total babe isn't he?😭

How was the update lovies?
Do lemme know !!

Am thinking to make the next update a sweet romantic one rather than a passionate one. What do you guys say?

Will try to update tomorrow?
Most probably yess.
Will surely try tho.

Also, I want someone to make videos for Xavier's Trysta!!
With XT's quotes n aesthetics.
I'll help them with these two.

If anyone is interested plzz dm me or if you guys know anyone good at editing, do tag them here in the inline comment.

I'll forever be grateful!!❤️

Till then,
Stay safe and be happy


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