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IN HIGH SCHOOL, rumors seem to be an incredible conversation topic. Someone confessing their feelings to someone else, someone getting in trouble, new couples arising— anything and everything was spoken about. It was impossible to avoid gossip at every corner.

Jiwon High School was no exception. Rumors and gossip had been all the buzz as of late. Besides the talk about idol trainees and break-ups, another big topic of the talk was the new student coming to enroll in the middle of the first semester. Who was it? Well, it was you of course.

News of your arrival in the country had spread the moment you told an old friend. You only wanted to talk with her to see how she was and tell her you were coming back from Japan, but you forgot to take into account how fast news spread.

You shut off your phone with a sigh. Your hand dropped to your side before you took a glance at your surroundings. The airport wasn't as busy as you thought it'd be, and you were grateful for that. One of the last things you needed was having to wait in long lines to finally go home.

After you gathered all of the belongings you brought and collected your luggage, you waited at the front of the airport. Your phone glowed at a new message from your brother, who told you that he'd be the first to greet you. After all, who else would?

Are you at the front yet?

yeah, are you also here?

You awaited another text from him after he had read it, but didn't receive any. Your brows furrowed and lips pouted before you began to type again. The message was about to be sent when a figure taller than you stopped in front of you. You were prepared to tell off the person in front of you until you saw who it was.

"Jeez, it wouldn't hurt to at least announce yourself."

"You should've been able to tell it was me anyway."

Eunhyuk Go looked down at you with a smile, his black hair falling over his eyes. Even though it had been only a year, the increase in his height was noticeable to you. Although he was only a few inches taller than you before, the gap only increased. Not to mention how his face also matured, just like yours did.

"18 looks good on you," you lightly pushed your elbow into his side.

Though you didn't like the man, Eunhyuk's genes from your father were quite strong. He was almost a spitting image of him, especially when the two of you were younger.

"Could say the same for you. Though, are you sure you've been eating well? You're thinner than before, Y/n," he gently held your wrist.

You told him as you retracted your hand, "Don't worry about me. I did a lot of walking and exploring while I was there, you know. I've wanted to go for years and I had finally gotten my chance!"

"So, how was it?"

"I'll tell you on our way back home."

Without a word, Eunhyuk took your bag from your shoulder and suitcase before he began to lead you to a taxi. Using your eye, you glanced out the window during the long ride. That wasn't even the end of it either. After the taxi, the two of you had to take a bus to get to your neighborhood.

Once the two of you were there, you were quick to flop onto the couch in the large living room. Your body sunk into it, letting yourself relax. You were glad that they weren't home. Relief coursed through your veins as you turned around and watched Eunhyuk approach you in your peripheral vision.

"Dad will be angry when he figures out I'm back," you spoke.

The noirette sat next to you, "Yeah, I guess so."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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