Chapter 22: Heir or not

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The brief spell of silence was broken by a shrill voice screaming at young Salazar

"How can you be so calm about this? That ... That being ... That murderer is writing you a letter ... The audacity of him… And you are acting as if it's nothing? Did you forget that he killed your parents and Sirius and Remus and...

But no one found out who else she was going to list as the look Salazar gave the Ravenclaw founder was enough to stop her from ranting.

"I know what he did and who he killed. Thanks." Replied Salazar icily

All traces of kindness, on Salazar's face, were replaced by the coldness that made others want to run in the opposite direction. And for the first time they realised why Salazar Slytherin was one of the most feared wizards in history.

"It seems the inevitable has happened, although it is a little later than I expected…" Salazar started in a grave voice before looking into Ravenclaw's eyes directly

"Do you think Voldemort is a fool Hermione? Is he a fool to write such a childish letter and expect a positive reply from the 'Salazar Slytherin' founder of the house known for its cunningness?" Having asked this, Salazar looked at Ravenclaw in the eyes until she looked down and shook her head.

"I thought so. Now, to answer your question regarding my calm behaviour; Well Hermione, I can get angry, and rant like a child, but that will neither solve the problem nor help in any other way. Instead, by being calm and reading between the lines of that letter, I can analyse the situation and react accordingly."

However before he could continue Rowena interrupted him, "that letter is full of arrogance, what hidden meaning could it possibly have?"

"It means that he not only wants to duel his great ancestor and the mighty Salazar Slytherin; but also defeat him and prove that he is greater than 'the Salazar Slytherin'. What concerns me more is not his intention, but the careless way he is handling this. This childish letter, as you so eloquently put it, proves that he is sure that he will live to tell the tale of his victory over Salazar Slytherin. Now the question to ask is why? Why is he so sure of his victory? Did he take the same steps to immortality, which the Voldemort in our world did? If so, then we might be able to defeat him quicker than we did in our world.

"How can we defeat him quicker than our world if, this Voldemort has done the same ritual to be immortal? I mean would it not make the task of defeating him become much more difficult?" Helga gently asked the question that was on everyone's mind before Rowena had a chance to argue further.

This question however made Salazar look at the confused faces of the people from this dimension and also his friends

"Well it seems that before I go into details I must explain what the Voldemort of our world did, so that everyone here is on the same footing." Salazar started before gesturing everyone to sit down.

Once everyone was comfortably seated, he began, "The Voldemort in our world created seven Horcruxes. Yes Headmaster, seven."

"What exactly is a Horcrux, and why is it so important?" asked Lily

"Ah, I was wondering who would ask that. A Horcrux is the word used for an object in which a person has concealed part of their soul. By putting a piece of their soul in a container outside their body, a witch or wizard ensures that they still live on even after the body is attacked or destroyed as a part of their soul still exists on this plane, undamaged. However, few would want this. Death is more preferable. It is the reason why you won't find much detail on making Horcruxes in many Dark Arts books. Splitting the soul is unnatural, an act of violation as the soul is supposed to remain whole."

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