Friends to lovers

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A/N: Story requested by WinterBlue_Angel22 I couldn't fit the plot into the head canon so I'm sorry if it's not exactly how you wanted it

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A/N: Story requested by WinterBlue_Angel22 I couldn't fit the plot into the head canon so I'm sorry if it's not exactly how you wanted it.
You and Hunter met in the library.

He approached you first asking about the book you were reading.

You were hesitant at first. Afterall you weren't really good at talking to new people.

After some time you managed to get yourself to start rambling about the book while Hunter just sat and listened, adding onto your findings every so often.

It took you a while to get him to open up to you but eventually you guys manage to bond over your shared love for books and magic.

You guys were just two nerds that like magic.

You guys quickly became friends.

You guys started to hangout a lot at the library and meet up there frequently.

You also like to hear him ramble on about all the things he learnt from spending so much time researching and reading about wild magic.

He can get a bit overprotective of you since you can't do any magic to protect yourself.

He likes to tease you a lot to make you flustered, he thinks it's cute.

As you spent more time with each other, Hunter noticed the way his heart fluttered whenever he was around you.

He thinks there's something wrong with him.

Hunter only realized that he had developed feelings for you after getting jealous when saw you talking to a dude.

Hunter started to get nervous and fidgety around you.

He was too scared to confess his feelings to you.

Definitely tried to ask Flapjack for advice.

"What do I do Flap-"

"You think I should confess to her?"

"Who am I kidding, why would she like someone like me..."

Flapjack could only watch as Hunter rambled on.

He's afraid that you might not feel the same way and ruin your friendship.

He decided to distance himself from you, hoping that his feelings would go away, but they only grew stronger with time.

You were confused on why he's suddenly becoming distant.

You assumed that he just had to catch up on some of his duties so you didn't much of it.

You were wrong.

It went on for about two weeks.

You thought you did something to upset him.

You finally have had enough and gathered up your courage to confront his behavior.

You finally managed to corner him after a few days of trying to approach him.

You noticed that Hunter had been avoiding you lately, and it worried you. You decided to confront him about it one day when you caught him alone in the library.

Hunter saw you approach him and tried to get away. Unfortunately for him, you managed to grab onto his gloved hand before he could escape.

"Hey, Hunter, can we talk for a moment?" you asked, approaching him with a concerned look. You felt a little hurt that he tried to run away from you. Did he hate you that much?

"Ummm sure? What's on your mind?" He said as he avoided making eye contact.

"It's just that, I've noticed that you've been distant lately. Is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?" you asked, trying to keep the worry out of your voice.

Hunter's expression softened, and he sighed. "No, it's not you, it's me. I've been struggling with something, and I don't want to burden you with it."

"Burden me? Hunter, you're my friend. I'm here for you, no matter what," you reassured him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up at you, and you could see the conflict in his eyes. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke, "Okay, fine. The truth is, I've been feeling... confused. About us, I mean."

You raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding what he meant. "What do you mean, 'us'?"

Hunter took another deep breath before continuing. "I mean, you and me. I've been feeling... something, for you. More than just friends do."

Your eyes widened in surprise, and your heart skipped a beat. "Oh," was all you could manage to say.

Holy shit he actually likes me back?

You could feel your face heating up from his words.

Taking your silence as a rejection he quickly shifted his gaze to the floor.

"I know you probably don't feel the same way, and I didn't want to make things weird between us. But I hope we can at least remain friends?" he said.

You took a deep breath and stepped closer to him.

Oh, this silly dork.

"Hunter, look at me," you said, gently grabbing his chin and turning his face to meet yours.

"I'm glad you told me. And you're wrong, you know. I feel the same way," you confessed, smiling softly at him.

Hunter's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "You... what? Really?" he stuttered.

You chuckled and nodded. "Yes, really. I've been feeling it for a while now, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship by confessing. But I'm glad you did."

Hunter's face lit up with a wide smile, and he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. "I'm so relieved," he said, burying his face in your hair.

You hugged him back, feeling happy and content. "Me too, Hunter. Me too."

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