Episode 10: Heroic Heroes of the Deep

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(Author's note: Before we begin, I just want you to know that this part is based off a Lego set. Anyway, enjoy.)

SpongeBob and Patrick sat on SpongeBob's couch, watching Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. SpongeBob was biting his fingernails at the suspense, while Patrick was on the edge of his seat as they watched the episode.

Mermaid Man:
End of the line, Manray, you're goin' to prison.

Oh is that so?

As Manray fired the lasers from his cloves, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy jumped out of the way, and Manray ran passed them.

Barnacle Boy:
Oh no you don't!

Dog paddle...AWAY!!!!

The two heroes then begin swimming in a dog paddle motion, and begin swimming in circles. This conjures up the raging whirlpool, which sweeps Manray up, and brings him right back to them. The two then put handcuffs on him, and hold him down. As the episode ended, SpongeBob and Patrick jumped up and down with excitement.

Did you see that?

Yeah! That was awesome when they brought up the raging whirlpool, and then they took out Manray!

I know, right?

SpongeBob and Patrick then settle down into the couch and relax.

Yeah know, sometimes I wish we could be superheroes like them.

As he said that, an idea popped into Patrick's head, and a lightbulb appeared.

Why can't we be?

Say what?

Why don't we make suits, and become superheroes?

Patrick...that is the best idea you've ever had!

The two then took out their chosen fabrics to make themselves suits. SpongeBob took out fabric in shades of blue, while Patrick had some green and yellow fabric to work with. They spent the next three bourse putting together their suits, before finally finishing them.

Okay, these are some nice suits. Can we try 'em on?

Not yet, we need one more thing.

The two later pushed a broken down boatmobile with them.

Good thing I had this.

Yeah, good thing.

As they leave, they arrive at Sandy's tree dome, to find that she had been waiting.

Howdy SpongeBob, Patrick. So what is it you needed?

Hi Sandy, we need you to make this boat more...advanced. Can you do that?

Can I do that? Do acorns grow on trees?

Sandy then took her tools, and built a more advanced boat. SpongeBob and Patrick also helped by painting over the boat the primary colored paint. Sandy also added a missile launcher to either side. In the end, the boat was done.

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