Episode 12: Saint Patrick's Day

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Patrick woke up from his sleep, and crawled out of his bed. While getting out of bed, Patrick looks and sees that a calendar had fallen on his head. He looks to the calendar and notices the date.

(Author's note: Yes, I know I've made two, late holiday specials

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(Author's note: Yes, I know I've made two, late holiday specials. Also, the next is also a late special, but I promise, it will be good. Oh, and FWI, the next will also be a late holiday special, but don't worry, it will also be good. Anyway, back to the story.

Patrick screamed in excitement at the occasion he had just reached. Wasting no time, Patrick ran to his closet, and grabbed the brightest, green shorts he had, and put them on.

It's finally arrived!

Patrick then steps on something small, and looks down to see a penny on the ground.

Ooh, a penny.

Patrick then hears a knock on the outside of his house, and opens it. He sees SpongeBob knocking, and gets up to him. Patrick then pinches SpongeBob's arm, causing him to yelp.

Patrick, what was that for?

SpongeBob, it's Saint Patrick's Day. So if you're not wearing green, you get pinched.

Patrick pinched SpongeBob again, causing him to yelp in pain. Without any further hesitation, SpongeBob removes his red tie, and swaps it for a green tie.

SpongeBob:Ha, now you can't pinch me

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Ha, now you can't pinch me.

Tartar sauce. Well, we should get to work.

Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

SpongeBob and Patrick then leave, and set to get to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob and Patrick then arrive at the Krusty Krab, and enter the restaurant. While entering, SpongeBob pinches one fish. Patrick then walks by, and pinches another. The two then go, and pinch one more.

Oh, is it Saint Patrick Day, already? I forget every year.

SpongeBob and Patrick then walk by, in order to go to work. They then walk by Squidward, and see him enraged and annoyed.

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