29. Plane crash

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Me and Cleo have been working for Mr Singh for 1 month now, and Cleo has become a security guard aswell.

I still cannot remember anything from my past but it doesn't bother me, everyone calls me Katrina, Kat for short and me and Cleo have become inseparable, Cleo said she was going to live with me for a while so she hasn't gone back on her dads boat.

Mr Singh is a mean man, obviously I get paid well and that's why I haven't left but he makes us do bad stuff, Cleo doesn't get involved in any of the bad stuff because she turned down the contract but I signed it, you may be wondering what stuff I have to do... well, I have to kill people, the first week I worked for Mr Singh he killed 4 people, and he made me shoot 1 of them. I didn't refuse because if I did he will not be happy, and seeing mr Singh happy isn't always the best.. I have gotten used to shooting people and it doesn't bother me much, mr Singh likes to say this one phrase a lot white me and Cleo make fun of he always says "ya know" so it's weird.

(Back to the story)

Me and Cleo are currently guarding the back entrances to the mansion when Cleo's walkie-talkie starts making noise, I look at her as she brings it up to her mouth, "copy sir" she says.

"Come on we have to go mr Singh is getting all the security to capture some people that are going to land on the beach, let's go" Cleo says.

We both leave our spots and get on our quad bikes and start heading down into town to the beach.

Once we arrive at the beach we all see a small plane come crashing down into the water.

"Get 'em!!!!" Mr Singh demands pointing to the plane that is now in the water.

Me and 5 other security run down to the sand and we watch as 3 boys and 1 girl swim out from under the plane shouting and pointing at the sand where I am standing, they head to hide under the bridge so we cannot get them, soon after they are under the bridge a girl emerges from under water with a body in her arms.

Me and Cleo quickly run up to the girl who is now on the sand and we grab her by her arms.

"Let go! Help! Pope! John b! Jj!" She screams.

"Shut up or you will make this harder for yourself!" I shout at the girl.

The girl breaks out of Cleo's grip then she punches me in the face and breaks free.

"I'll get her! You go after the kids under the bridge!" Cleo shouts at me.

I run back to see where the boys were and I can no longer see them. So I run back to Cleo and the girl.

"I cannot find her" Cleo says.

We both search through some stacked barrels and then I see the girl hiding under some wood. I reach and grab her by her arm, she doesn't do anything and she just looks at me in shock. What's up with her? She having a seizure or something? I grab her and tie her hands together.

Cleo then helps me put a bag on her head and we load her in the back of a Ute.

"Take the bag off" I say to Cleo as we are now close to the mansion.

Cleo takes the bag of her head and the girl looks at me.

"You got a problem or something?" I spit at the girl.

"We thought you were dead!" She says as she leaps in to hug me but I punch her in her face knocking her out.

"Yuck, she's wet and soggy there is no way in hell I'm getting wet" I say and me and Cleo laugh.

We make it back to mr Singhs house and I am told to put the girl in the guest room.

I carry the dark haired girl into the room and I place her on the bed, then I walk out and lock the door behind me.

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