15. Initials

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Warning ⚠️ this chapter includes drugs

Your changing in your room when you remember about how everyone was staring at rafe, 💭next time I see him I have to ask him about that..💭

You get changed and your wearing short denim shorts and a white tube top (or whatever you want) and you check the time it reads 7:23 shit the party starts at 8 and we haven't even had preparation drinks, you walk out to the living room which is just a couch and a table and you see John be lining up shot glasses.

"You read my mind" you say referring to the shot glasses

"Oh I bet I did, you guys ready?" John b says as he pours the alcohol in the glasses.

"Yesss" says the group, we all take a shot but John b as he is driving, I dive in and take 2 more shots.

"Wow. Wow wow. Calm down" jj says

"Just getting ready for the PAR-TAY" you say

You guys all walk outside, get in the Twinkie and start driving to the party.

Eventually you guys pull up to the party which is just at a old skate park, you see a mixture of pouges and kooks. 💭great this is going to end well💭 you feel the alcohol kick in but not that your extremely drunk but your just a little bit drunk.

You spot rafe snorting coke, you decide to walk over and say hi.

As soon as rafe sees you he groans

"What's with the bad attitude pretty boy?" You say

"You haven't been answering me"

"My bad" you say

"How you doing?" Rafe asks

"Fine, can I have some?" You say referring to the coke

"No tf?" He says

"Why?" You ask

"Because I said so." He says


Rafe soon turns his back and you grab the rolled $20 bill on the table and snot a line, you place $20 on the table for the line and you sit down on the ground feeling the coke kick in.

"Who the fuck took a line?!" Rafe asks

"I don't know" you say

"Bull shit you have powder on your nose" rafe says wiping the coke residue off my nose for me "I said no to you having some"

"Oh you said this you said that, I don't care" you say getting up and getting more alcohol.

You soon find yourself the most shit faced you have ever seen.

You feel tired all of a sudden and you decide to lay down in the middle of the croud to get a little rest.

"Wtf move bitch" says someone

"Get up!" Says someone else

Everyone starts to crowd around me as I start to stand up wondering why they are doing that

"What? What are you looking at?" You say

"Bitch I asked you to move!" Says the random person from before

I turn to see some black haired chick standing right behind me acting all tough

"Oh I'm so so sorry your highness" you say sarcastically

You look around to see jj, pope, kie, rafe, John b, Sarah and everyone else coming in to see what's going on and who's yelling.


"Oh fuck off you woss" you say

She grabs onto your hair and punches you, you punch back and pin her to the floor.

"Oi cut it out!" You hear John b yell

"Get off her!!!" Yells someone

You start punching her face untill it's bleeding and you feel a set of arms wrap around you and pull you back.

"Let me go! She started it!" You yell trying to get loose.

"Calm down y/n it's me jj" jj says putting you down

"Oh.. hi j" you say and you stumble when jj puts you down as your drunk and high

"What was that all about" he asks

"You have such pretty eyes" you compliment jj as you stumble into him.

"Your drunk as hell" jj laughs with you in his arms

"Oh no.. I- I mean maybe a tiny bit" you smirk

You look up into jj's eyes and his widen.

"Y/n do not tell me you got high..." he says

You quickly stand up straight like a soldier "wha- no" you lie

"Bull shit your pupils are dilated and your fuzzy as fuck I'm taking you home" he demands

"Ok handsome" you say

Jj goes and talks to John b and John b hands jj the keys to the Twinkie

"I'm surprised your not drunk jj" you say as jj lifts you into the Twinkie

"Just didn't feel like drinking tonight" jj says

"Wow... jj ma- maybank doesnt what to drink?" You tease

He chuckles and starts the van.


You guys make it back to the chateau and he carry's you to your room and tucks you in bed.

"No." You say

"No what?" Jj asks

"Don't leave me"

"Then what do I do?" He asks

You get up and slam your lips onto his sending a shock to both of you, shocking that you just did that.

Jj kisses back in hesitation and the he pushes you back into your bed and crawls over you, he kisses down your neck to your stomach to your inner thighs then he hooks one of his fingers onto the hook of your shorts and looks up like he's asking permission to take them off, I nod in response.

He slides your shorts off and starts kissing you again, he breaks away from the kiss and says "damn hot g-string you have" he says as he looks down at your black underwear.

You go back to kiss him but he pulls back, "what?" You asks confused

"What the fuck y/n" jj says

"What?!" You ask

"You fucked rafe mother fucking Cameron?!" Jj shouts

"No?" You lie

"John b said when he walked into rafes room when he had a girl with him there was a g-string on the floor with initials on them. Your g-string does aswell!" He shouts again

" I'm sorry, jj please" I beg as he gets up and leaves the room and slams the door behind him.

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