Old Summer

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*Gen Z can relate better.....🥺*

Your early summers, remember?
Back when you were a kid.
The first trip to home from school
Imagining all sorts of things
To do in your vacations.

A water fight to start off with,
Celebrating freedom.
Freedom from school,
To eat ice cream,
To stay out of home, to everything!

Then a road trip - a long drive
As a toast to the begin of our
"Summer holidays"
(as much as we loved the word)
When every moment was a vibe!

Waking up at 6 AM,
To go out for a bicycle ride, and
Bringing hot biscuits on the way,
Then watching cartoons
Until called,

For breakfast, a modest spread
A full belly,
Filled with love and laughter.
The high energy in every home
Was something to rejoice!

Having cousins at your place
Or being at their's yourself
That favourite uncle of yours,
Who always bought
The savories you loved?

Back then,
Terrace was our kingdom.
To play was our right.
To get back home at lunchtime
Was the only responsibility we had.

From hide and seek to lock and key,
From gully cricket to marbles,
Beyblade, treasure hunt and
Spy games - you name them all!

We played with all our spirits
Spirit that shook the earth!
Nothing in the world would
Ever stop us from anything!

Then came the long stay at village
Which is a story in itself...
From grandma's bedtime stories,
To grandpa's farm at play.

The fire log and Mom-Dad's games,
Bonfire, tent, horror stories
And experience - a - tale.
Folktales is what they seem
For, now those are but memories.

Cock a doodle,
Wake up at dawn,
We would see the sunrise
Then set out on an adventure
To unravel a day,
Full of mysteries to solve.

Wandering in the forests
Trekking up the hill -
Swimming in the rutty pond
Really, what a joy it was!
The entire village was the boundary
If ever a boundary there was.

Snacking all the time
Munching on a fruit, or an
Orange candy that cost just a dime.
Every moment passed by,
Until we lost track of time..

Now since we are at village
Mud was our favourite toy,
Getting red and dirty,
Not caring about our clothes.

Randomly chasing dogs
Or sheep, if it was necessary.
It wasn't a matter of time until
We turned from–
City lads into country chaps.

Back home,
It was still half the summer
Waiting to be enjoyed,
We would gather around the TV
For a cricket match.

Summer seemed long.
Life was sweet.
People were caring.
Hearts weren't weary.

All of this seems
Like a good 'Ol dream
Or a movie scene.
Well, could you tell me
The difference between
The past and a dream...?

Both are but memories
And the play of our imagination!
Past is but the dreams we lived,
Living in our head.
Why isn't it possible to
Live this dream yet again?!

A soft heartache is what I feel
When I think of this,
Something nor sad or comforting
But still fills me with content.

Those days I feel, aren't gone -
To come back again.
Life moves on, and when
Looked back, we've lived a lot,
Through days of happiness,
Sorrow, excitement, joy.
Some days were gloomy,
Or even bad - dreadful...

It isn't about dismay, for
Having all those days passed,
But about fulfillment
For having had a great life.

And all we've been going through
I'm sure will pay off!
Among dreams which
We long to live, this sure is
One of them too!

Who knows that one day,
We might relive it again?

*Just 6 AM feelings guys!
Have a great day ahead ;)*

- Syeda Fathima

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