• Introduction •

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So, you found this book. Probably after seeing a TikTok of a therian and you didn't know what it was or meant, and you were curious. Or, you just happened to misspell a search and ended up here. Well, it doesn't matter. So, aside from the way you got here or why you are here, it is my job to stop rambling and get on with the point.

Why not start with a little bit about myself?

I am Faelyah! Or, Fae, whichever you feel comfortable calling me, and I am the author of this guide. I am non-binary and use he/him/hem pronouns, so please use and respect these. If you are on the therian side of Tiktok, then you may have seen me on your fyp, or maybe you even follow me (fae_on_paws). I am a therian/otherkin, quadrobist, gear maker, and TikTok content creator. You may not know what any of that means yet, but that is what this guide is for! 

Now, enough about me and more about this book! This book will be structured in a way that I think is the easiest and best way to embark on your adventure of learning about Therianthropy.
This guide will go over topics from; The Terms and Addresses of Therianthropy, to, fun online games you can play to feel connected, and even, Real life experiences from other Therians!

This information in this book is supported by many sources, such as the following;

and many others.

A Guide: TherianthropyWhere stories live. Discover now