More than ten years later, after the small instrument in Luo Wencheng's body malfunctioned several times, causing his heart rhythm to be disturbed, he underwent a minor operation, accompanied by Lu Chong. The team raised by Lu Chong with heavy investments was very skilled and repaired the device.

When Luo Wencheng woke up on the hospital bed and met his lover's slightly reddened smiling eyes, he knew that his time had been extended again.

It is good that I can stay with you longer.

Longer, and longer, and longer, for a lifetime, and so it goes.


Somewhere in a certain space, on a screen glowing with a soft fluorescent blue light there was an image of the two men snuggling up to each other. The light flashed on the screen and a line of words appeared...

Changing the fate of the target, third resurrection version, success.

The screen slowly condensed into a blue dot, ready to leave the realm.

"The first mission has finally succeeded?" The best friend from the other realm asked lazily through the internal communication channel, "You failed the first mission and you had to start over so many times. I have done several missions while you have only done this one, and you've even drained yourself of energy. Was it worth it?"

It was worth it, the blue dot thought..

It was a junior version of the system, made to change the fate of its target, and this was its first mission, and an experimental task.

Because it was its first mission, the system couldn't yet be as calm and sensible as its best friend and senior.

Its target, Luo Wencheng, initially asked to return to ten years ago, and the system agreed to do so in order to convince him, only for him to have an accident on the very last day of his stay. Having saved Luo Wencheng, the system almost exhausted its own energy, and it should have abandoned this mission and detached itself from this realm after Luo Wencheng died according to his established destiny.

But Luo Wencheng left one variable behind, that of Lu Chong, who was supposed to die at the age of sixteen.

This man was saved by the target without hesitation, and for over a decade this man waited and looked for the target.

The system didn't believe that anyone could hold on to a promise, a relationship, for so long. Lu Chong impressed it and made it a little curious, and it wanted to know how far he would go. It wanted to try to see if it could use this man, who had been saved by the target, to save the target again in turn.

Lu Chong agreed without hesitation. He agreed to give his life, so the system, whose energy was almost depleted, had the ability to go back in time once more, and with the love and hope Luo Wencheng himself offered turned into energy, give Luo Wencheng the second chance to live.

But in the end Luo Wencheng gave up his life once again.

The system felt even more unbearable than the last time.

Two people had gone through so much, both willing to sacrifice for each other without hesitation, why was it still a tragedy in the end? Then what was the point of it being so busy for so long?

So in the last three days of Luo Wencheng's life, the system had been looking for a turning point.

And a turning point appeared.

The system admitted that it had violated the rules by actively interfering with that professor's brain waves, causing him to make a firm decision to resuscitate Luo Wencheng and immediately seizing the opportunity to declare that he could be resurrected once more after Luo Wencheng's heartbeat started again.

This was the limit of what the system could do under the limitations of the rules, and it was good that the target and the one he loved finally grasped this last chance.

As a result, one person who should have died a tragic death at thirty-one and one person who should have been shot dead at sixteen were happily and blissfully living together into old age.

To be honest, this result was achieved mainly because they helped each other. Luo Wencheng's two resurrections only contributed to it. At most, some regulations were violated and the system would be punished when going back. It should have been rewarded for completing the task but now the reward was definitely gone, and the system's energy was less than when it came there.

However, compared to the two life changed and the punishment of the bad guys, the system felt that its loss was worth it, and it was very happy.

And... the system finally looked at the two men. When their lives were over, it would reappear and collect their love. The love that had never given up after several lives and deaths would be the purest energy of the highest quality. Of course, the system would not be willing to turn that love into energy, but would keep it as its most precious collection.


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