His expression and tone were also very serene, as if he didn't know that he had almost died. But because of his weak state, his voice was almost inaudible, with a different kind of hoarseness. The curvature of the corners of his mouth was very beautiful. It looked very well-behaved, but also very cool.

This was a complete indifference to one's own life.

He was very different from the young man who was pestering people at the hotel a few hours ago to stay with him.

Lu Chong frowned suddenly: "Do you know that you nearly died?"

Luo Wencheng closed his eyes and remained motionless. His face was pale and handsome, and his thin eyebrows were weak and graceful. His black hair was scattered on the white pillow, and his smooth forehead made him look like a delicate sleeping beauty. He was too handsome, and too fragile.

The ripples in Lu Chong's heart were so well suppressed that it was as if they had never been there. He could even fool himself, but when he saw the dying appearance of that young man, his heart jumped and the inexplicable anger he had been carrying for so long surged up.

He asked coldly: "You knew this would happen. Were you waiting to die?"

Being uncharacteristically coquettish and pestering, saying that he was afraid that he would not have a chance to see the stars, wishing him get what he desired and saying goodbye obediently; in retrospect, it was like the capricious, eternal farewell before going to death.

When he thought of this, Lu Chong's heart filled with anger.

He lived in darkness all his life, his hands were stained with blood, but he had never involved innocent people, and he could not bear to see the contempt of others for life.

Clean, soft, young, beautiful lives, each one of them was a mercy from heaven.

He was like an old wanderer. No scenery in the world could make him willing to stay. The enthusiasm that was barely maintained in his body was all because of this beauty and hope.

He looked at Luo Wencheng for a moment, then turned to leave: "I'm going to call a doctor."

Luo Wencheng suddenly said, "Sir."

He opened his eyes and stared at the man who was looking at him sideways.

Was he angry?


Was it contempt for the cowardice he had shown? Was it anger at him for not fighting, or...

Luo Wencheng had been testing this man, trying to decipher the other party a little more with every contact. Although he didn't know why, he could be sure that Lu Chong had a soft spot for him.

His eyes were pleading: "Don't go. Can you come closer?"

Lu Chong was silent for a moment, then made a few steps to return.

"What's the matter?"

"Can you sit down?"

Lu Chong sat down on the edge of the bed.

Luo Wencheng showed a little smile, reached out and took Lu Chong's hand, then guided the big, wide and powerful palm to his forehead.

"I have a headache." There was a trace of grievance in his voice.

Maybe it was because Luo Wencheng's mood changed too quickly and strangely, maybe it was because his frowning and aggrieved look appeared too pitiful at the moment, but Lu Chong froze and didn't take away his hand. He stretched out his other hand and pressed the bedside bell: "The doctor will be here soon."

Lu Chong's hand covered Luo Wencheng's eyes, revealing only the tip of his nose and his beautifully shaped but pale lips. Luo Wencheng's face was very handsome, with a nice outline, smaller than that of an ordinary man but not feminine. However, at this moment only half of his face was exposed, and he suddenly looked childish.

Lu Chong could feel Luo Wencheng's eyes rolling gently under his palm, either because of discomfort or in anxiety. Then Luo Wencheng suddenly moved, let go of his hand and hugged him around the waist. Lu Chong, who had never expected him to do this, failed to avoid him and was firmly held by him.

Luo Wencheng tightly wrapped his arms around the man's lean waist, buried his face in the opponent's abdomen, clinging to the soft cold clothing, and said in a small voice: "Hug."

Lu Chong was stiff all over. His dark, deep eyes flashed with a hint of dismay. But when he heard the childish word, he felt vaguely amused and actually couldn't bear to push the young man away.

He was probably not quite awake yet.

Lu Chong's expression eased, and the ups and downs of anger in his heart finally turned into pity that he didn't even realise at this moment. His hand paused in the air for a moment and finally was placed on Luo Wencheng's head.

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