Chapter 2 :3

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Maddy's POV

Then something came across his mind... ME!

He was thinking that he moved on.. and that our love wasn't true!

I started to cry.. he looked up for 1 second and then took out his phone and went on Instagram. THE NERVE!! Our love is true! Otherwise I wouldn't be haunting him right now! I'd be in heaven. But I'm not. Because our love is true.


"Hanna" his new lover and him went to the park, so I naturally followed.

Then.. they stopped.. and kissed.. I couldn't take it anymore! I just can't I muttered to myself. When they got home, I grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote in blood, I'm still here -M, and put it by his bed after he went to sleep. You see, us "ghosts" don't sleep so even though I wanted to, I couldn't. In the morning, I saw Mitch read the note and freaked. Hanna came in to see what was the matter, and Mitch gave her the note. She screamed. WHO IS M!? I don't know Mitch said. It is obviously me! I thought/screamed in my head. We have to call the police she roared. Alright Mitch said ever so calmly. They called the police. The police came. They found nothing. Madam, sir, you have a ghost. WHAT?! They both screeched. You.Have.A.Ghost. The officer repeated. I will have to question you both. he said. The officer brought in Mitch first, I followed. Sir, did anyone you loved die recently? He asked. No sir. Mitch answered. !!! I was steaming he denied! HOW COULD YOU DENY!? I was boiling, I picked up an object and threw it against the wall. Mitch and the officer saw. Sir you clearly have a ghost, and its mad. Are.You.Lying? The officer asked. But once again, Mitch denied. I took paper and wrote: Mitch! I THOUGHT OUR LOVE WAS SPECIAL WHY DO YOU NOT CARE ABOUT ME ANYMORE!?! -Maddy

I wrote in blood. I put it on the table. The officer picked it up and read it. and gasped. SIR! You lied! there is someone you loved that died! He handed Mitch the note and Mitch hesitated. After, he said..


Hallo again! That is the 2nd chapter for the Taking a Step book 2!

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