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"Huh? What the hell?!"

*You whine looking at a recent message on your mobile, you sigh and lean your head on your front desk.*

*Suddenly the bell rang indicating college was over
and it was time to leave. You glance at your friends who are calling your name more like SHOUTING.

"Y/N get up, college is oveeeer , let's go...." Said lily.

* You move your head to the other side and again close your eyes since you are feeling a little unwell*

*You can hear other students chatting, and housing, but you don't mind that. You were getting annoyed quickly these days. Suddenly your friends gaze at your mobile screen and she reads the message. She smiles mischievously and she quickly screams turning around*

"GUYS, she doesn't need us today because... Her FIANCE IS COMING TO PICK HER up!"*Lily said in so much excitement*

All your friends went " Woah"

" Well then we gotta go bye" * Kai your friend said in a teasing tone*

" Bye y/n " " bye bye"

*All your friends went out one by one together and now you were alone in the classroom you stand up lazily and leave the classroom with your bag before packing your stuff, not wanting to get scolded by the teacher for staying too long in the classroom alone*

* Walking out of the building You decide to just go home on your making excuses like you were waiting there for too long that's why you left there, because you thought he must be on his way, and didn't arrive here yet. But your hope stutters on the ground when you see him already there leaning on his car door looking at your walking figure.*

* Your fiance JEON JUNGKOOK. Well-known businessman's son and soon-to-be CEO of J.lewis industry*

" What takes you so long to come out? All students are already left." *Jungkook said while standing straight at his place*

"H- I was just packing my pieces of stuff nothing more...." You said while looking everywhere except at him*

"Hmm, let's go then, shall we?" *He said before pecking your lips*

* You move back a little startled at his sudden action*

* After that he made you sit in the car like gentlemen or more like acting. Then he settled himself in the driver's seat and of course, he started driving......*

* It's been like 3 months since your marriage was fixed with Jungkook without your consent. Yes, it's forced marriage but only from one side. You think this marriage is fixed by your parents, but the story of this marriage starts differently. And we can say Jeon Jungkook's way.*

" Did you have your lunch?" *Ask by the drive-
i-i mean Jeon jungkook.*

"Yess" *you reply shortly not minding his stare on you, you again turn your eyes towards the window.*

*But even though he stops his car at a restaurant size cafe*

~ have a cup of coffee ☕
~ couple's offer 🫴🏻

* You were reading the boards in your mind following him since you also wanted to clear your mind so you didn't argue with him as you do every time*

* He takes his seat first and waits for you to pass by him and takes a seat in front of him, forgetting about his manners already.
*huh! What a gentleman* you thought.

*You look around the cafe was quite beautiful, the structure was pretty. And it was huge no wonder why it was expensive. The curtains were red windows were huge and small plants of flowers were kept there.*

poor but pure // Taehyung ff //Where stories live. Discover now