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All you could hear you could hear throughout the courtyard of the Red Keep were the sounds of wood crashing together, from the wooden swords of Prince Ragnar and his 'Uncle' Jaime.

As Ragnar seems to grow into a young boy, Jaime has started to realise what an accomplishment he had created, when he received Ragnar on the day of his and Joffrey's birth he had felt like he had accomplished everything in life in one little boy.

Jaime knew that Ragnar was going to bring pride to him and their family. When he first set his eyes on Ragnar when he was born, all he could think about was about how much Ragnar looked like Cersei when they where younger, when now since Ragnar has gotten older he sees more of himself throughout the boy as he grows with each passing day.

Ragnar had always wanted his 'Uncle' Jaime to train him, and when he finally got the permission from his mother, however hesitant she was, she allowed Ragnar to learn how to use a sword through Jaime guidance as she has always wanted at least one of her sons to be close to their biological father, as Joffrey could barely turn his head to even care about Jaime, and Tommen was way too young to learn how to wield a sword as he was barely five name days old, and he could hardly lift a sword for longer than a minute. However Cersei knew that Ragnar loved his Uncle, as a son would love a father, the knowledge of this made Cersei's heart swell.

However when Ragnar was given the permission to train, Jaime could see the excitement in Ragnar's eyes, there Jaime sore dedication through the the near Twelve name day old boy. He also sore the leadership through Ragnar always thinking he would become a great King though that was taken from Ragnar as he was born mere minutes after Joffrey, therefore making him a second son and a spare to the Iron Throne.

Suddenly Jaime was knocked out of his train if thoughts as he was hit on the back of his head

"AAHH!" Jaime yells clutching his throbbing head. He turns to look down at Ragnar with a glare who was looking up at him with a smirk.
"What was that for?" Jaime seethes through his teeth as he looks at Ragnar's little smug face.         

"You where daydreaming Uncle, you made yourself vulnerable" Ragnar says with a smirk on his face.

"Vulnerable aye, how's this for vulnerable" Jaime suddenly swings his wooden sword at Ragnar in an aggressive manner while Ragnar tries to block his attack with his shield with wide eyes as he didn't anticipate the speed his Uncle was attacking him at.

Jaime then quickly snatched Ragnar's wooden sword and then threw it on the ground and took a step back.
Ragnar tried to retrieve his sword by looking down to see where it had landed, Ragnar then kneeled down to grab his sword when Uncle decides too jump forward to spook Ragnar. Ragnar flinches and takes a step back looking up wide eyed at his 'Uncle' covering his face with his shield.

"Watch" Jaime softly scolds Ragnar bringing two fingers to his eyes, even though he could never be mad at him.  

At this Ragnar quickly nods his head, and slowly kneels down again covering his head with his shield and retrieves his sword. However Ragnar gains some confidence and madly charges at Jaime with a war cry, swinging his sword trying to hit Jaime while failing miserably as Jaime dodges every attack. With how much strength Ragnar used to try and hit Jaime he quickly became exhausted, all Ragnar got in return from attacking his uncle was Jaime hitting him softly on his back.
After training some more they decided to call it a day after that they sat on a bench in the gardens to talk about Ragnar's upcoming name day.