~ chapter 27 ~

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"Put up a good fight against the Giant," Geralt spoke to Guillaume, the young knight, "Got experience killing monsters?"

"None. In Toussaint we mostly chase bandits, but I vowed I'd bring my heart's champion the head of a monstrosity, as the famed Gottfried, known as the Giant-killer did." He replied.

I had to stifle a laugh. Everything seemed so proper and serious here, it was like a fairy tale story. Geralt noticed and nudged me slightly. Usually he'd chuckle along with me, so I knew that this was serious.

"You dont mean to hunt the Beast, do you?" Milton spoke up, "The matter is best left to Geralt, and his talented lady."

"No, another challenge awaits me, but if they are to hunt the Beast, they ought to know - its struck again..." He said solemnly, "The river surrendered a corpse. It washed up in the meander by the Cockatrice. Damien de la Tour's guardsmen are there already, securing the area."

Geralt huffed and shook his head, "Securing the area? Better go now, before they trample any tracks, man handle any evidence." He looked at me and I nodded.

"Set forth, then. I shall ride for the city to inform Her Gracious Magnificence that Geralt has arrived. We shall meet later, at Guillaume's tent, near the tourney grounds. I shall take you both then to see Her Grace." Palmerin spoke, before swiftly mounting his horse and galloping away.

Her gracious magnificence...? Really?

We rode across the countryside towards the Inn, and I must say it truly was beautiful. Different colours of trees and flowers caught me eye at every turn, and the buzz of insects was a comforting sound.

"Can't get used to the way you knights talk." Geralt said, "Especially the switch back and forth between flowery and.. well.. normal."

I laughed, and Milton chuckled, too, explaining that he had to speak this way when representing the Duchy - it was a formality.

Soon enough, we reached the water's edge, but there were no guardsmen in sight. Nobody at all in sight, really. Milton pointed out that they probably cleared it already, moving the body out.

"We'd like to look around anyways, to make sure they didn't miss anything." I said, and Geralt gave me a nod. I wasn't much help, I could only search normally - but Geralt is always amazing at finding hidden things. His enhanced senses really come into play in times like this. It's fascinating to watch really. He pointed out multiple sets of footprints leading along the shoreline, towards a pile of rubble and disused items. Suddenly, a snarling arose from the bushed.

Geralt drew his sword and I harnessed my magic, but I had no clue what we were up against.

"What are they, Geralt?!" I shouted, as disgusting, red and brown coloured beasts emerged from the bushes. They had large spike-like ridges all over their body, and large, gaping mouths with similar spiky teeth, and a long, hanging tongue. As they moved, they were hard to track, as they dashed back and forth, swinging their large spiking arms in every direction.

"Scurvers!" He yelled back, fighting one off by twirling his silver sword in front of him, "Remember those necrophages we fought before? The Rottfiends! Like those, but much worse."

Shit. If they were anything like Rottfiends, that meant they would explode when close to death. That meant we had to deal with them quickly. Geralt and Milton were dealing with them fine, their sword skills helping them to no end.

A nearby torch lighting caught my eye, and I made use of the fire. I threw a wave of fire at two running towards me, and they instantly squealed and squirmed in pain. I hadn't much to work with, but I could tie one down with a net by the edge of the water, while I dealt with the other. It was easier than I thought, tearing off its own spikes to stab it with. The first one went down easily, but the second, the one I had tied down, had now escaped. This one was larger than the other. I tried to grab it with a nearby branch, but it ripped itself free.
Picking up a large amount of water, I dumped it on the monster, hoping to slow it down slightly. I got more water, and tried to hold it over it's face, maybe to drown it - but can you drown a necrophage?? I had no idea.
Suddenly, an idea came to me. If I could use the water externally - maybe I could use the water inside of it. I prayed to the Gods that this thing actually had some in it - and wasn't just a dry, rotting beast.
I focused my energy on the abdomen of the monster, focused on the feeling of the liquid in its veins. Got it. The monster stopped in its tracks, gasping. Heating its blood up, it could only stand there, gasping and screeching, not being able to move. I shouldn't be enjoying this, but I was. I wondered...
I thought about lifting its arm, and it lifted. I thought about it stepping, and it stepped. I had control of its limbs!

"Geralt, Milton! MOVE!" I shouted, as I ran the beast towards them. The two men jumped back, and I made the Scurver fight the remaining three, "Get over here! Hide!"

They raced over to me, and Geralt looked increasingly concerned. "Thea, what are you doing!?" He reached towards my arm, but I held concentration. Just as I saw my Scurver struggling to stand, it was time. I sent a wave of energy towards it, causing it to combust, sending spikes flying in every direction, taking out the remaining three scurvers. I breathed a sigh of relief, but Geralt looked terrified.

"Are you alright?" I asked, concerned, "Did you get hit?"

He shook his head, "No, I'm.. I'm fine. You were just..."

"I was what, Geralt?" I asked, my brows furrowing.

"Your eyes, they were - and... you were grinning, Thea. Laughing." He said quietly.

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