Chapter II: Wake Up (Dance I)

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Before you and Ren enter the first dance location, both the twin wardens stopped you as they held out a uniform for you both, with Justine also having a microphone on top of the clothes she's holding.

Caroline: Get dressed, Inmates!

Justine:  As Caroline said, please get dressed into the appropriate gear.

Y/n: What's the mic for...? If I have to sing again, I'll-

Justine: It's for you to sing.

Y/n: Why me? I mean, wouldn't Makoto have a better singing voice?

Makoto had a small blush across her face, as she didn't know what to say.

Makoto: M-Me? I-I don't know what to say...

Caroline being Caroline, smacked her baton stick against the wall, making everyone quiet.

Caroline: Quiet! Just do it!

Justine: Caroline... But as for your question, Makoto will only take your place for when you have to dance. Any other time? You can decided if you want to sing solo or with her. The choice will be up to you. But since this is a warm up, you'll be doing both the dancing and singing, when It's fever time.

Y/n: Um...Okay...? Wait, how will I know if it's 'fever time'? Is it- Well, I already know, but still, an explanation for the others might help, no?

Justine: Very well. Fever time can occur once or twice, at multiple places. Near the beginning. The middle. Or near the very end.

Kasumi: E-Excuse me, but are we allowed to watch our Senpai's dance?

Justine: I will answer your question momentarily But yes, for fever time you'll know when you can jump in and dance alongside your friend that is dancing.

Ryuji: And that is?

Caroline: She's getting there!

Justine: When the area starts to flash colors, like a rainbow of sorts, if you'd prefer. Will my answer suffice?

Makoto: I suppose so...

Y/n: Don't worry. It'll make sense soon.

Justine nods her head as Ren takes his uniform from Caroline.

Justine: Very well. As for the other question your friend had. Yes. You'll be able to watch them.

As she finished her sentence, a TV, just like the one in Elizabeth's and Theodore's VIP room, had appeared in the middle of the room just in front of the blue couch.

Justine: You'll be able to watch them from that TV.

Ann: What the!? Where'd the TV come from!?

Futaba: It totally spawned in!

Caroline: Now, Inmates! Go get ready! Win this competition for us! And don't you dare lose, got it!? 

Y/n: Yeah, yeah.

You felt something hit the back of your head, as you just shrugged it off.

Persona 5 Dancing In Starlight x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now