And it couldn't wait?

What are you hiding that I've never seen before

This body that millions of people stand in a queue begging to pay so they can see, you should be honored that you're seeing all of thessssse for free

😂😂😂 mom you're doing a wrong profession, you're supposed to be a stand up comedian... bet you'd have tons of fans

And you should be a porn star, your pulling out skill is amazing, you could teach your dad a thing or two

I knew you would definitely talk about it, other moms would pretend they see anything

Well I'm not other moms, but Valentina

Yes mom

Having sex without protection isn't advisable, you should know that, you can always request for condoms or might as well buy them yourself

Mom stoppppp

I'm just saying baby and how on earth did your dick grow that huge?????


I love you baby and you're just like your father, picking the smarter ones to date and wife

Em, I and Rue are not dating mom, we are just bestfriends

I'm pretty certain I saw you both fucking, you don't have to go all shy on me woman

Mom for real, we are not, something just led to another and we had sex, that's all

Do you realize that she is in love with you?, it's so obvious from the way she looks at you, do you even love her?

I do mom... but it's just platonic love, nothing romantic at all

Is that the first time y'all are having sex?

No.... I mumbled with my head down

Valentina Mendes what is wrong with you?, do you know how much you're hurting her?, try putting yourself in her shoes, you should think before doing anything Vale

Mom, it's not like it was planned or something, I know it's very wrong for me to have constant sex with her knowing that she feels something for me, I admit it, I know

Admitting it doesn't right your wrong Valentina, it doesn't, stop whatever it is you have going on with her if you know you don't want to be with her, that's unfair

I have, that was the last time, it won't happen again, I promise

Rue is like my daughter too, I don't want either of you to get hurt

Then what we were doing is incest huhhhh... I said wiggling my eyebrows, mom stepped out of the shower and smacked my head hard

You play too much, I'm being serious

Sorry ma... I don't wanna see her get hurt either, especially not by me so yes... definitely that's the last time, it won't happen again

Pass me my towel...

After wiping her body we both entered the bedroom, I sat on the bed while she wore her clothes

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