Have a Sandwich

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"And just vhat is so wrrrohng vhit' a vampyre eating a sahndvich?" a deep, male-sounding voice greeted Sarah when she awoke.

She was lying in a canopied bed, in a filmy white nightgown, and it was freezing. "Wh – what?" she shivered.

"Yoo said you could not wrrrrite about vampyres, because they vould be 'just like anyone else,' eating a sandvich or something."

"Wow. You guys really do your homework."

"Just like Macy and Auden."

"Now you're just showing off."

"No! I like your books. Why can't I be a complex person dealing with difficult decisions while eating at the local market parking lot with my teenaged friends?"

"Do you really have teenage friends? And can you even eat a sandwich?"

"Vhell - technically, no. My body's temporary stasis is disrupted if I eat human 'food,' so I avoid it."

"So, if you eat, you're like a zombie..."

"Pretty much."


"Vhell, Mees Dessen, yoo can stay in zhis room and wrrrrrite, or yoo can be imprisoned in this room and die. Your call."

"Let me guess. Number one fan?"

"How did yoo know?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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