Chapter Ten

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Slash's POV

"Slash, wake up." A hand gently shakes my shoulder.

I barely remember anything from yesterday, but man that dream was scary. I groan and roll over, facing away from the voice.

"Come on, we have things to do." She says again, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Go away Indie..." I mumble. "I'm still tired."

"There's no more Indie, remember?" The voice sighs.

I roll over and open my eyes to see a female. She looks like the girl I was dating in my dream. "But that was just a dream." I say, shaking my head in disbelief. I look around the room, and it's definitely not Indie's room. I don't even know where I am, or how I got here. "Where the fuck am I? Where's Indie, who are you?"

She looks away sadly. "You don't remember, do you." She says, almost in a whisper. "I assume that your dream had a possessed Indie Burton, whom you had to kill with someone who very much looked like myself?" She sighs. "It really did happen, I'm so sorry."

Shit, it wasn't a dream. "But what about Indie... is she really gone?" I say, holding back tears. I can't let anyone see me cry. The girl nods and looks away again, trying to hold back her own tears, too. "In my dream; well, in reality, your name was Harley. Correct?"

"Yes, I'm Harley. And everything from your dream was real, Slash. I'm sorry." She comes up to me and hugs me, and I feel all warm inside. Luckily my thick curly black hair covers my face, also covering my red cheeks. "Oh." Is all I reply.

"Well, are you ready to start the day?" Harley asks me.

"Not at all." I chuckle to myself. "Can you tell me how I even ended up here? I do not remember getting here."

"After what happened, we all got in the van. You and Dani fell asleep pretty fast. I dropped off Dani first then went to yours, but the boys didn't want you just yet, so I took you home to my place. Cliff is here, too." Harley smiles sweetly. "And I had to go get Cliff so we could drag you out of the van and out here. This is my room, by the way."

I look around at my surroundings, amazed. It really does seem like it would be Harley's room. There's band posters, a record player, I'm lying on a queen sized bed, and there's a drawer in the corner with cigarettes, cocaine (COCAINE!!) and pills on top of it.

"The bathroom is just in there. It also connects to Cliff's room, since it is the only bathroom. But don't go into his room, trust me- I made the mistake once and I regret it." Harley laughs a little and points towards a door in the room. "Say, do you want to meet Cliff?"

"Sure," I say, smiling. "He doesn't seem too bad of a guy."

"I'll go get him!" And with that, Harley runs out of the room to get Cliff.

A minute later, she walks back to the room with a guy who I assume is Cliff, and fuck he's tall. 

"Hey man, I'm Cliff." He reaches out for a handshake, and I respectfully shake it with my own hand. "I think we've met before."

"Yeah, hey dude. You're in Metallica, aren't you?" I ask. Cliff nods and I make an 'ah' sound. "Sweet. What's been happening?" 

"Eh, nothing much, really." Cliffs asks, then turns to Harley. "Oh, Lil, would you mind making us some breakfast please?" 

"Sure!" She happily replies and runs out of the room, leaving me and Cliff. He suddenly turns all serious, and I gulp. 

"Listen up, Saul." Cliff starts, directly staring me down with a scowl. "If you hurt Harley, you're fucking dead. She means the world to me, and I'm not letting anyone fuck it up. You will respect her and her decisions and will only intervene if necessary, as if it was a bad decision. You will care for her, support her, and you will not fuck her if she doesn't want it, and you will not force it upon her. And if she does desire such thing, you will go easy on her. Understood?"

"Y-yes, sir." I stutter. I feel like a school kid getting scolded by the mean teacher everyone hates. 

Cliff shakes my shoulder playfully. "Better not fuck it up, man!" He snarls with a smile, almost as though it was meant as a joke. 

I nod, gulp again, and Cliff exits the room. I sigh to myself, relieved that he's gone but also scared that I'll accidentally do something wrong and get killed. 

After a few minutes, alone with only myself and my thoughts, Harley comes running into my room and playfully runs into me, forcing me to lay down on the bed. "Guess what?" She says excitedly. 

"Let me guess, Dani is coming for dinner?" I reply, thinking of how good it would be to comfort Dani after the events from yesterday. 

"Ha, I wish!" Harley says. "But no, even better! Cliff is going on tour, so he'll be gone and we can be together without interruptions until he gets back!" 

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