"You did alright, Slash." I say softly, rubbing his shoulder. "I'm really sorry about that, I don't know how it happened." 

"That's alright, I guess." Slash sniffles. "Wasn't any of our faults. Yet that's really strange how it happened and I hope to god that it never happens again." 

"Yeah." I say. We walk to the room that Dani was in, and open the door. She was sitting down in a corner of the room, facing the wall. She slowly turned her head towards us and cackled. 

"Shit, no, not Dani!" My eyes go wide. 

"Fuuuuuck!" Slash tries to hide himself behind me, so cute. 

"Ha, pussy." I whisper to myself. Then I remember Dani.

She turns herself towards us and laughs wildly. I realise that her eyes aren't even red, but she does look like she's been crying heaps. 

"Oh, Dani, you can't do that to us!" I pout, crossing my arms. Dani laughs even more, and eventually Slash realises too. We all laugh at Dani's act for a little while before getting ourselves together and calming down. 

"Thanks for doing that, guys." Dani finally says with a sad smile. "About Indie, I mean. I can't believe that happened, but I'm sorry that I pussied out an left yous to deal with her." 

"Dani, hey, it's ok." Slash goes to hug Dani. "We understand that it was really hard for you." 

Dani sniffs a little. "Thanks, Saul. Love you man." 

Slash smiles in response, and opens up the hug. "Come on in, Lil. You're the reason why we're alive." He says.

I accept the invitation to the hug and we squeeze each other for a long minute. A plane flies over and I realise that Cliff probably wants an update. "Alright guys, we better head off. Slash's friends are probably worried about him, and we know that Tony would be out of his mind looking for you." I say, taking a slow breath. "Let's go, I'll drive." 

Locking up the house, we get into Cliff's Misfits van and drive off, headed home. "First stop, Anthony's apartment." I announce. Dani and Slash are already asleep somehow. I smile to myself and keep on driving, remembering the way to Anthony's place. 

About half an hour later, I pull up outside of his apartment building. I look down at the clock, which read 11:28pm. I shake Dani a little to wake her up and she groans tiredly.

"Come on, Daniel. This is your stop." I say, making sure Dani hears me. She slowly opens her eyes and groans again. "Up, Tony will be worried sick about you." 

"Fineee." Dani grumbles, opening the side door and climbing out. "Bye." She mumbles, closing the door behind her. I watch as she wobbles to the front, and gets greeted by the guy at the front desk. Still watching, the guy helps Dani walk to where I assume Anthony's apartment would be, because I know Dani has been here plenty of times for the workers to know her.

I smile to myself and glance down at a snoring Slash. Cutie. I chuckle and drive off to where Slash said he lived. Surprisingly, his place isn't too far from Anthony's apartment. I pull up at the address, and it definitely looks like a place where a wild Slash would live.

I get out of the car, locking in Slash to let him sleep a little more. I walk up to the front door and knock on it. No response. I knock again and this time I get a groan. Doesn't sound like they worried too much about Slash being missing. 

The door opens and I get greeted by a very high-looking blondie. "Hello there, beautiful! I'm Steven, what can I do for you at this hour?" He says. Definitely high. 

"Hey Steven, I'm Harley. I have a wild Slash in my van, do you want to keep him?" I say, matching his vibe. 

"Oh you must be his lil' date! You can keep him, we aren't looking for any wild Slash's, but thanks for the offer!" He winks and I laugh, he laughs too. 

"Who is it, Popcorn?" A voice says from behind Steven. 

"It's a zookeeper, she asked us if she wants a wild Slash!" Stevens calls.

"Huh. Yeah, they can keep him." The voice replies. 

"She sure will, Iz!" Steven turns his attention back to me. "We'll be open to accept him sometime tomorrow though, beautiful! Have a good day, miss!" Steven laughs to himself.

"I'll be sure to drop him off then, thanks Steven!" I say happily, as though I didn't just kill my friend. "See ya tomorrow!" 

He smiles and shuts the door. "Fuck, Slash's date is a real hottie!" Steven says from inside. I laugh to myself and walk back to the van. I get in and make sure Slash is still sleeping, then drive off back to my place. Home sweet home, I think to myself as I pull up outside of the house. 

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