junie monroe-what's in your bag?

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in junie monroe's bag there was:
1) a pouch of smooth pebbles taken from a beach on a vacation to the southwest of France.
2) a pearl necklace, which, in the police questioning of junie monroe's mother, had been explained as the only thing a 12-year-old junie had been wearing after reappearing three days after a disappearance in the summer of 1993.
3) an assortment of jewelled buttons and beer caps.
4) a champagne cork with a silver coin in (for good luck)
5) a water damaged illustration of Ophelia (ironic) seemingly ripped from a novel on art history.
6) white lace underwear.
7) a carved wooden figurine of a dog.
8) one short novel by Anaïs Nin (A Spy in the House of Love)
9) a Hello Kitty lighter.
10) cheap glitter lipgloss, in the shade "cherry girls".
11) raspberry chewing gum (new flavour by Hubba Bubba, it hasn't been released for you yet).
11) herbal joints, filled with lavender...she was trying to be healthier okay?
12) cigarettes.
13) a beige powder puff (the last time it was used was in the year 1942)
14) a penknife, engraved with the initials J.S.

(not mentioned, on bag itself-traces of blood, unknown)

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