Peace for the Leader - Autistic! LEONARDO

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(This story was completely AI generated using the CHAT GPT OPEN AI)

Leonardo was feeling overwhelmed. He had been struggling with sensory overload all day, and it was starting to take a toll on him. Everything was too bright, too loud, too intense. His head was pounding, and his body felt like it was vibrating.

He tried to push through it, but eventually, he couldn't take it anymore. He let out a loud groan and clutched at his ears, feeling like he was going to explode.

His brothers, who had been training in the dojo, rushed over to him, concern etched on their faces.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Donatello asked.

Leonardo shook his head, unable to find the words to express what he was feeling. He didn't want to burden his brothers with his struggles.

But Raphael, who had a keen sense of observation, noticed something different about Leonardo's behavior. He knew that something was up.

"Hey, Leo. It's okay. We're here for you," Raphael said, placing a hand on Leonardo's shoulder.

Leonardo looked up at his brother, grateful for his understanding. He could see the concern and empathy in Raphael's eyes, and it made him feel less alone.

"It's too much. Everything is too much," Leonardo managed to say, tears starting to form in his eyes.

Raphael nodded. "I know, buddy. I've been there too. It's overwhelming, but it's okay. You're safe here with us."

Leonardo felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, knowing that he didn't have to hide his struggles anymore. His brothers were there for him, and they understood.

Michelangelo, who had been quiet until now, stepped forward. "Hey, Leo. I have an idea. How about we all take a break and do something that calms us down? Like, I don't know, meditation or something?"

Leonardo felt a spark of hope ignite in his chest. He had never tried meditation in this sense before, but he was willing to try anything to feel better.

They all sat down in a circle, and Michelangelo led them in a simple meditation exercise. They focused on their breathing, letting go of their worries and stress.

Leonardo closed his eyes and breathed deeply, feeling his muscles relax and his mind clear. For the first time that day, he felt at peace.

When they finished the meditation, Leonardo opened his eyes and smiled at his brothers. "Thank you," he said, feeling grateful for their support.

Raphael patted his head. "No problem, Leo. We've got your back. Always."

Leonardo knew that his journey with autism would have its ups and downs, but with his brothers by his side, he felt like he could handle anything.

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