Megazord POWER!

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Pandora: Long ago... We were invaded by the Titans.

Pandora: They attempted to enforce their will on the planet.

Pandora: But the rebellious Gods, fought against them. Not willing to allow that to happen.

Pandora: Harnessing the power of the morphing grid, they became the power rangers.

Pandora: But they were only strong enough to imprison the Titans.

Pandora: Knowing how fickle fate is, the gods decided to let their power rest and grow as they themselves reincarnated over the next few centuries.

Pandora: Before they left for the next life, they entrusted me with but a small amount of their power so I could guard the box...

Pandora: And allow your power to grow as much as it could.

In a six-star hotel penthouse sweet, provided by Agnes, the Rangers listened to Pandora's story.

Percy: So, to sum it up... We're the reincarnations of gods?

Pandora: Yes... Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Zeus.

She looks at each ranger as she says the name of their past lives.

Abigail:(looks at Zena) Zeus, huh?

Zena: King of gods, awesome, right?

Abigail: You do know of Zeus's... Uhm... "History", right?

Zena: I wasn't much for history... But how bad could he be if he was a Power Ranger?

Abigail begins whispering all she knew about Zeus.



Zena: Really- Oh ew!

Zena:(raises hand) Pandora, my friend, could I please have a fact check on Zeus since you knew him personally?

Pandora: Who told you that!? What do you remember?!


Pandora: I-I mean... Of course.

Abigail: Okay...

She begins whispering to Pandora about Zeus's legacy.


Pandora: WHAT!?

Pandora: No, no, no! That is all false!

Pandora: Zeus was... "friendly" but nothing like you just said. None of those things happened...

Zena: Phew...

Pandora: The Swan one has some truth...

Zena: Eh?

Pandora: I must read up on how history has remembered my gods. I shall return!

She leaves to go research the legacy of the Gods.

Herald: Well, what now?

Agnes: Now we do Power Ranger stuff!

Abigail: What does that mean?

Agnes: Fight crime?

Percy: We aren't cops. We can fight monsters since no one else can, but anything else should be left to the professionals.

He gets up from his seat and leaves the penthouse.

Abigail: Where are you going?

Percy: Surfing. I have a life you know?

Herald: Right... I have a job too.

Agnes: Oh shut up, you work here, I can literally pay you to stay.

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