Chapter 13

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     you, Mikey, Baji, Mitsuya, Itsuki, Draken, Takemichi, and Chifuyu all stood around in group at Musashi shrine after the meeting.

"so Itsuki, how'd prison treat ya?" Draken asked, the other boys looking at him intently.

Itsuki chuckled, his snake tattoo curving with his smile. "well, it definitely wasn't a picnic. juvie was actually worse than prison; buncha teenage delinquents in one spot isn't a good idea."

everyone bombarded Itsuki about the past three years, while you stood by and giggled at how eager the boys were to have him back.

a dry feeling rose in your throat, making you cough. "hey guys, i'm kinda thirsty; gonna go to the corner store. anyone else want something?"

immediately after asking, an onslaught of different drinks came your way, and you mentally took note of each one.

there were eight people in total, and of course no one wanted the same as someone else, so you really had to use your brain to remember everything.

"Vera, why don't i come with? it can be dangerous at night," Baji offered, and you smiled warmly at his words.

"sure, i could use the company," the two of you rose from the grass, informing the other six boys you'd be back within thirty minutes.

once standing, you started walking towards the top of the shrines stairs and hopped down them, Baji walking down them slightly behind.

he chuckled lightly to himself at the small ways you still acted like a kid, the gestures bringing with it a warm feeling in his chest.

you ultimately reached the bottom of the stairs before him, turning around and looking at his tall figure venturing down the stairs.

Baji's long black hair flowed behind him, hands in his pockets. upon seeing your gaze on him, he flashed a toothy grin and winked playfully when he got to where you were waiting.

"what a dork," you laughed, pushing him playfully as he just smirked and made his way to your side once again.

as you walked alongside each other, Baji broke the silence with a question.

"tell me about yourself," you laughed in the form of breath escaping your nose, looking up to him confusedly.

"what's with the sudden interest?" he looked away sheepishly, hands shoved in his pockets. "i don't know; i mean, we're friends, and we hardly know anything about each other."

nodding, you turned to face forwards again, staying quiet for a moment to think.

"well, i cant live without music, i'd rather be with people than without, and greek mythology is cool as hell." Baji smiled at the facts you offered, happy you could share some of his interests.

"i like greek mythology, too." he spoke quietly; almost shyly. swivelling your head back to him, you grinned.

"what's your favourite story?"

"Theogony," he answered quickly, his body language changing as he talked about something he loved. "it's the story of how the world was created; that and theres fighting in that one."

"shoulda seen that coming," you laughed, smiling by Baji getting excited from talking about the story.

you noticed that when he liked something, one of his eyebrows would raise slightly, and it never happened otherwise.

"what's your favourite story?" he asked, and you responded without hesitation.

"the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. i think it's such a cool story, and theres a lot of deep meaning behind it." Baji nodded, mumbling how he liked that one too.

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