Chapter 12

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     standing outside of the prison, phone in hand, your nerves were shooting through the roof.

Itsuki was supposed to get out any minute now, and waiting for that was driving you insane.

everything was ready; the spare room was clean, you had the Toman jackets in your bag for the meeting tonight, and all the members knew he was coming.

but your mind was relentless with the worrying.

it stopped for a moment though, as your phone buzzed and you looked down to check it.

i think we should get a dog as Toman's mascot

laughing to yourself at the randomness of his text, you typed out an answer in a matter of seconds.

and what makes u think that?

think abt it, we get this scary dog and we'll be unstoppable
scary dog privileges Vera

u know what, that's a very good idea
let's go adopt a dog


i mean, maybe?

boooo, got my hopes up

smiling softly at the screen, the creaking of a gate opening caused your head to snap up, pocketing the phone and trying to find a familiar face.

a random guy with long blonde hair walked out, going up to a big family that waited for him.

'definitely not him,' you thought silently, shifting uncomfortably in place.

sighing, you pulled out a cigarette and lit it in hopes to calm the flurry of emotions you were feeling.

with eyes flickering between every small noise that could be heard, you waited impatiently for Itsuki to finally show up.

taking a drag of the cigarette, you silently willed him to come out soon.

as if the universe read your mind, Itsuki's tall figure came out from behind the metal gate, two guards handing him a small bag of his belongings.

he looked around, trying to spot you. dropping the cigarette and stomping it out, you waved to grab his attention, a wide grin spreading across both of your faces as you made eye contact.

breaking into a run, you crossed the concrete yard in a matter of seconds, watching as Itsuki dropped his stuff and held his arms out.

you collided heavily with the taller boy, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as he picked you up slightly off of the ground.

both of you laughed airily, relishing in the close contact.

"i missed you," you mumbled out, voice muffled by the fabric of his t-shirt.

"i missed you too, kid." he replied, letting go and placing your feet back on the ground.

ruffling your hair, Itsuki smiled down at you as you beamed up at him.

"so, what's on the agenda today?" he asked, falling into step with you as you two exited the prison grounds, his bag in hand.

remembering an important piece of information, you dug around in the bag you brought and pulled out the two Toman jackets, throwing one at him.

"well, we've got a Toman meeting this evening." Itsuki froze in place, staring at you with wide eyes.

he was motionless; just like the snake tattoo adorning the right side of his face.

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