Icicles aren't the best cushion

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User: Maplefrost196

Dare: make Quibli sit on Winter for an hour

*jaguar enters with a dare scroll and a 90 kilogram bag of corn slung over her back*

Lechwe:... Jaguar are you ok?, what's with the corn?

Jaguar: dare

Kinkajou: Finally!

Moon: what does it have to do with so much corn?

Jaguar: nothing.

Winter: then why do you have it?

Jaguar: to eat... *holds bag close to peril and all the corn pops* y'know, while Winter Protests loudly

Winter: *groans*

Clay: *sticks head around doorway* I smelt popcorn

Jaguar: no

Clay: Please?

Jaguar: *throws a bare corn cob*

Clay: *catches the cob in his mouth and starts chewing on it* dish ish vewy goo *leaves*

Peril: so, what IS the dare?

Jaguar: *claps and Little Rock spires erupt from the ground and reach over Winter, pulling him to the ground*

Winter: *muffled through rock over snout* What the-

Jaguar: Quibli, sit on him

Quibli: excuse me?

Winter: pleeeeeaaaaassssssssseeeeee, I just washed my scales and I don't need sand-snorter over there ruining them

Jaguar: too bad, Quibli, sit on him

Quibli: do I have to?

Jaguar: *claps and Quibli also get Snared by rock and they bind him so he's on Winter's tail*

Quibli: would it KILL you to not be freezing cold?

Winter: would it kill YOU to not feel like the sun? Fruit-face, how much longer do we have to do this?

Jaguar: *pouring popcorn for the other dragons* an hour

Winter & Quibli: *protesting loudly*

Everyone else: *Munching popcorn*

-one hour lahtargh-

Quibli: my lower body half is numb

Winter: I thing my tail melted

Moon: stop overreacting

Quibli: is it over yet?

Jaguar: sadly, yes, this was entertaining *claps and they are un ensnared(?)*

Quibli: *jumps out of the nearest window and flies straight up*

Winter: *sticks tail in an ice bucket*

Lechwe: *sniggering*

Kinkajou: *finally stops recording and tosses camera to Turtle*

Turtle: *jumps to catch the camera and places it in a box labeled 'put this on dragon-tube'

*a cosmic rip appears and bookworm falls out wearing a camp half-blood t-shirt and jeans*

Jagaur: Bookworm? But no one broke the fourth wall? Why are you here?

Bookworm: to talk to the readers

Lechwe: about?

Bookworm: how we have another dare this chapter!

Winter: EXcUSe mE?

Quibli: *crashes through Window* does it involve me?

Bookworm: no

Quibli: phew

Peril: so what's the dare?

Bookworm: *plucks an iPad from thin air* 

Turtle: what's that?

Bookworm: ipad, human invention 

Turtle: okay?

Bookworm: okay let's see... ah! Winter, you're gonna hate this!

Winter: *groans*

Bookworm: you have to go into the rainforest and only eat fruit for a week!

Winter: no.

Bookworm: *claps and winter is teleported to the rainforest*

Moon: did you just... use Jaguar's power?

Bookworm: *yeets the iPad and it disintegrates into thin air* sort of, author powers *pulls out a kindle and starts reading*

Kinkajou: whatcha reading?

Bookworm: Heroes of Olympus: Mark of Athena *puts kindle away and taps the other side of your screen* hey readers! How would you like us to reset the ships? *backflips through a cosmic rip*

A/N: so what I mean by reset the ships is do you want them to remember everything they ever did, just not remember their feelings towards their ship. I realised the ships sailed WAAAAAAAYYYYYY to quickly but I wanted to get your input on it. So what do you think?

Also don't forget to post truths and dares!

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