"Selling high quality nectar-coated skewers!"

Theodore couldn't help but be interested in the vendor's products, especially the food that were mixed with those things called 'Ambrosia' and 'Nectar'. He concluded it was because of his godly nature that his tastes naturally craved divine cuisines.

'...It's not like I have any money...Do they even use money in the divine world?'

[Of course they do,] Ouroboros spoke like it was obvious. [And I believe your mother gave you allowances?]


[Check your pockets.]

Theodore frowned and fumbled into his trousers' pockets, not expecting to feel anything inside of them, but to his surprise, the coldness of something hard and round brushed against his finger tips. "...Coins?"

[Olympus uses the drachma currency, you can use it outside of here as well and the coin will change to match other currencies on its own.]

"Huh, convenient...But when did she..." Theodore went quiet and looked down at himself, noticing that his royal gown was spotless despite what he'd put it through during his last fight. "So gods don't need to do laundry..."

[...We don't.]

"Ah! Wait..." Dread crept up his expression. "Don't I stand out a lot right now? Isn't this bad?"

[Calm down, no one's going to care about what you wear.] Ouroboros spoke slowly. [Olympus has a lot of tourists and visitors from other places, none of them will think anything of you.]

Theodore sighed, relieved that his cover wasn't blown. "Okay that's good to know..."

He turned to one of the stands nearby, specifically the one that sold nectar-coated skewers. Even though they were quite a distance away from each other, he could smell the spice and smoked meat most distinctively among other things sold on the streets.

"...I guess having a few couldn't hurt."


He ended up buying more than a few of those skewers.

It was more than worthy of being called the 'food of the gods'. The moment he put it inside his mouth, the tender meat exploded into many different flavors. The bitterness of the vegetables blended well with the barbecue sauce's spice, and the nectar only added a slight tinge of sweetness to all of it, not too much to ruin a meat skewers' regular taste.

"...I'm getting distracted." Theodore was sitting on a bench while he was eating his new favorite delicacy. He threw the stick into the nearby trash can and got up, brushing his hands together. "I should hurry up...I wasted too much time."

[You can always come back.]

"Can I though? I'm out to kill their king."

[Zeus isn't very...likable...We can hope that they won't care.]

Theodore didn't reply to Ouroboros. He began walking towards the Pantheon that didn't seem to be too far away from where he was. "...Have you been here before?"

[Not physically. I only travel around to quench my boredom.]

"I see..."

After half an hour of walking, Theodore found himself standing at the foot of the mountain. He looked around to see if there was some sort of mechanism that he could use to get up to the Pantheon.

Of course, there were none in sight.

'Maybe I should just brute force my way up.' Theodore planned on going in stealthily since he didn't want to run into one of the sacred spirits Ouroboros had mentioned. But since there weren't any visible stairs, he figured he might need to change his plans.

Revenge of the Serpentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें