5: Breakthrough

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I lean back on my chair, groaning. I just ended my stream, feeling thoroughly spent no thanks to the sudden influx of viewers I had as well as Levy's continuous challenges these past few days. I feel like he was testing me himself, to ascertain whether I was legitimate or not.

Oh right, he introduced himself to me. Turns out he's one of the biggest chess streamers out there. Levy Rozman is a pretty entertaining individual if I do say so myself, albeit too energetic for me at times. Still, he's been regularly playing with me since we had our first match four days ago, telling me he's 'making content' off of me.

I'm not complaining though. Just from our few interactions so far, I've already gained a couple of hundred followings, earning me progress more than the collective 5 months I did by myself. It's a win-win condition as he said.

Levy said he'll be releasing his video featuring our matches today on YouTube, So he told me I should expect another influx of followers soon. What a great guy.

I start my stream not long after I had my breakfast. I was greeted by a handful of viewers that instantly joined my stream as soon as I started.

WhatIsLove66: Good morning
XoxoBTS43V3R: Heeeeyy wassup
RealBatman123: Have you watched Levy's video on you yet

"Good morning, everyone. And RealBatman, no, I haven't watched it." Due to our time difference, Levy uploaded it during midnight last night. Not like that's a problem though. "I'll be watching it shortly."

RealBatman123: lesss gooo
KonoMrValentineDa: Live reaction woohoo
JustARandomFan55: Wouldve been perfect if Kiyobaka has a camera

Oh right. Speaking of camera, Levy told me he'll be giving me a hand-me-down one, as he'll be replacing his current one with a better camera. If it's from someone of his caliber, it must be a really expensive camera, but he told me it's fine to take it for free...

Levy's climbing up my empty 'friends ladder' really fast, that's for sure.

Anyways, I opened google-sensei and checked YouTube for Levy's channel. It wasn't hard as GothamChess was the only channel I'm currently subbed to, though I hope to change that in the future.

"1 million views in just 12 hours? He really is famous

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"1 million views in just 12 hours? He really is famous." I couldn't help but say. "Alright, lets watch it."


As always, Levy started off his video by staring into the souls of his viewers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. You know guys, I may never become a grandmaster player ever in my life, but I'm still an IM. That means the second-highest rank on chess, by the way." He quipped, smirking. "That also means I rarely get outplayed so hard I start rethinking my life choices; that's only ever happened on my matches against Hikaru, and some titled matches during Titled Tuesday."

"So when I do get outplayed that badly by a random, no-title stranger on chess.com, it's just natural for me to be suspicious, right? Especially if their stats look something like... this."

The stats page of someone is showed, showcasing the absurd 203 games : 100% winrate on its blitz category. Their rating was also shown, which was 2703.

"Hold up, I know what you're thinking." He wagged his finger. "'Levy, that's just a cheater right?' Well if you're watching my stream on twitch, you would already know the answer to this question. But since you're a strictly youtube-viewer instead, you get this shocking plot twist instead: no, this guy isn't a cheater! How would I know, you ask? Besides me getting my ass handed to me several times this past few days as I vibed-checked him, I also checked in on my friends on Chess.com's Fair Play team. Daniel himself confirmed it for me- that this guy is legit."

The video cuts off to a chess match with Levy's facecam on the upper right of the screen. To those in the know, they would recognize this as Levy's first game against this so-called prodigy. He then proceeds to break down the game for a few minutes, giving highlight to that certain moment where he ultimately lost the game.

"...and here we have me flawlessly trapping my own bishop without even realizing it. Just one more point as to why I'll never be a GM..." Levy shook his head as he whispered. "Anyways, this wasn't entirely my fault, I swear. During the past few moves, Kiyobaka was deliberately..."

Levy features a few more interesting matches he had with 'Kiyobaka'. Around the 15 minute mark, the video returns to a full cam of Levy, hiding the chess board from before.

"I'll be covering Kiyobaka's progress more in the future. In fact, I'll be interviewing him later on my twitch channel, so hop on if you're interested. Spoiler alert: he also agreed to do a face reveal during the interview! No worries of course for my YouTube fans, I'll be uploading that here as well."

He smiles and wave, tipping his head a little. "That's all for today, now get out of here."


"Ah, right. That was his one favor for the camera." I don't really mind it, and it's not like I'm trying to hide from anybody here. And I'm somewhat curious how foreigners would react to my name and appearance.

Speaking of my name... Remember that 'business' Tenshi-san did a few days ago? Apparently, she was taking care of my legal papers so that I would finally exist on paper... and legally. I don't know what she did, but somehow, she got everything to work out. She must've pulled some strings to do that...

Oh well.

"That was a nice video. I like it." I say without a hint of a lie.

StraightAsASphag: Your tone sure doesn't sound like it
KonoMrValentineDa: Why do you sound so done with life bro
CocoFell40: I think its hot
XoxoBTS43V3R: I mean...

"I really did like it though..." Haah... Curse this monotone voice of mine.

"Moving on. My interview with Levy will be later this afternoon, around 4 hours from now. I'll be doing some stuff in real life in the meantime, so I'll be cutting the stream short for now."

"See you, everyone."

~-Chapter End-~

A/N: As always, thank you for everyone's support! Stay cool and have a nice day.

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