☆ Chapter 9 ☆

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Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Zoro's Cabin

A few hours later, Sanji woke up instantly remembering what happened. He was about to get up when he felt something heavy on him. He sat up, realizing that Zoro was lying down on him.

He then noticed that he and Zoro had clothes on, and the sheets were changed. Being hit with pain in his lower half he lays back down and begins slowly stroking Zoro's hair. After watching Zoro sleep for a while, he decided to wake him up by gently rubbing his cheek.

"Oi Zoro" Sanji whispered, smiling softly as he saw Zoro open his eye.

"Hm?" Zoro hummed.

"Morning sleepy head" Sanji greeted him politely.

"Huh? You fell asleep first." Zoro felt Sanji stroking his hair, knowing that he was now awake.

"Mhm~" Sanji hummed.

"Go back to bed," Zoro said, closing his eye.

"What are we?" Sanji asked.

"Hm? A couple" Zoro shyly admitted. "Why did you ask?"

"It's nothing" Sanji blushed heavily at Zoro's answer.

"You're blatantly nervous," Zoro teased.

"S-Shut up" Sanji pouted. "It's just that I've had feelings for you for a long time, but I didn't know how to express them."

Zoro raised his head, locking eye contact with him and smiled.

"Me too~" Zoro said, "How did you sleep?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that question, the nightmare swordsman." Sanji jokes.

"You're the one who got pounded. Are you able to walk?" Zoro joked.

"N-No, it hurts a bit." Sanji admitted.

"You should get some more rest then, otherwise I would have to carry you around in front of everyone." Zoro got out of bed and stretched.

"I wouldn't mind that," Sanji blushed.

"Good, cause I'm hungry," Zoro said, lifting Sanji up.

"H-Hey!" Sanji stuttered, "You should have warned me first!"

"I'm just messing around, you should rest more" Zoro layed Sanji back on the bed, and cuddled with him. "I'm still tired."

"You're always tired," Sanji said, wrapping his arms around Zoro and pulling him closer. "I don't mind round two before they get back, maybe tomorrow. What do you think?"

It was silent, no reply. Just a soft snore coming from Zoro's nose and he laid close to Sanji.

"Just like I thought, fast asleep." Sanji laughed quietly.

He decided to get some more rest, and layed there entrusting that Zoro would be able to protect him if something were to happen while he was asleep.

Time: 4:00 pm
Location: Ship's Deck

Franky, Nami and Robin came back to the ship in order to fix it and adventure back on the island. While Franky went on to fix the ship, Nami and Robin went to look for Sanji and Zoro.

"Were they in the Crow's Nest?" Nami asked.

"Nope, I didn't see them there," Robin shrugged.

"Don't tell me those idiots are sleeping on the job," Nami said.

"It's fine, we all know that if there was danger on the ship, Zoro would have woken up immediately." Robin smiled.

"Your right..." Nami sighed, "But I'm more surprised that even Sanji isn't out. He's not even in the kitchen."

That's when they both decided to pay Zoro's Cabin a visit, just to see that they were both cuddling each other under a warm soft blanket.

"I knew they were somewhat close but I didn't know they were this close." Nami snickered.

"These two sure are confusing, huh?" Robin whispered.

"Should we wake them up?" Nami asked.

"Hmm, we can wake them up when we decide to leave. Just let them rest for now." Robin walked away.

"Alright~" Nami followed Robin back to the Ships deck.

After a few minutes, Zoro woke up from all of the construction noises that Franky was creating. He watched as Sanji was still sleeping close to him. He kissed Sanji on the cheek, which urged him to wake up.

"Hey cook, looks like some of the crew is back to repair the ship early." Zoro whispered close to Sanji's ear.

"Mmm~ okay~ I'll get up in five more minutes." Sanji shrugged.

"I'm going to go and grab myself a drink, do you want anything?" Zoro questioned.

"I don't think I want anything yet," Sanji answered.

Zoro was walking towards the door until he heard a soft thud behind him. Sanji was on the floor, trying to stand up.

"Idiot, you're gonna get us caught. You should have told me you wanted to follow me." Zoro helped Sanji to get up.

"I don't want you to leave me here. I want to come with you so that you can know you're safe around me and I'm here with you." Sanji whispered "Those nightmares, I want them to stop. I hate seeing you stressed out like that. It really hurts..."

Zoro's eyes widened, as Sanji said this out of nowhere without a warning or signal.

"Don't worry, I'll be able to rest easy knowing that you'll be by my side at most costs. I'll let you know if I encounter another nightmare once again." Zoro smiled.

Sanji was silent and he looked down trying to think of a response. Suddenly, Zoro put Sanji on his back and started carrying him.

"Z-Zoro?" Sanji panicked.

"Hm? I'm carrying you to the kitchen. I'm hungry." Zoro opened his door.

"O-okay" Sanji rested his head on Zoro's shoulder.

Zoro walked outside with Sanji on his back, he was spotted by Nami, Robin and Franky.

"Well good morning to you" Nami teased, "You two sure are weird"

"Zoro needed help with training, so I decided to help him out and do some exercises with him too. My body hurts" Sanji shrugged.

"Training together does sound fun. It's like when Nami and I go shopping" Robin smiled.

"Do you guys want anything to eat? Were heading to the kitchen" Zoro asked.

"Nope, we're good. We're about to head out actually. Franky just finished the repairs." Nami said.

"Ah I see, well, have fun you three." Zoro smiled.

"Did you just-" Nami was cut off.

"Come on Nami, let's go to the bookstore." Robin waved goodbye.

"Bye guys! Stay super!" Frank walked off with the ladies.

"You came up with a good excuse," Zoro said to Sanji.

"I just said whatever came to mind." Sanji leaned closer to Zoro's back.

"Did you like exercising then?" Zoro teased.

Sanji playfully smacked Zoro on the head and hid his face onto Zoro's shoulder.

"It did feel really good," Sanji whispered. "I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime.

They both happily went into the kitchen to get themselves a meal.


Authors Note

Hi hi, it's been a while. My apologies for that. I may or may not have ran out of ideas for the story, so it took me a while to come up with this. I'm debating on finishing this story soon and starting a new one but I'm not too sure. What do you guys think? <3

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