☆ Chapter 5 ☆

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Time: 8AM
Location: Kitchen

After an hour of staying in, cuddling in Zoro's bed and the rubbing of Sanji's soft back, it was time for Sanji to make breakfast. When he finished preparing everyone's meals, they all gathered around the table as per usual and began to enjoy their meals.

"Sanji, this is so delicious." Nami said.

"Yes, I can tell that your food has had some improvement," Chopper smiled.

"You know, they say that you can tell the cook's emotions based on how the food tastes. Did something exciting happen?" Robin smiled.

"H-huh?" Sanji got flustered, "N-Nothing happened."

"Yohohoho, I know that look. That's the look of-" Brook was about to finish his sentence when he was immediately cut off by Zoro.

"Yo Brook, can you pass me the booze?" Zoro asked.

"Yeah sure!" Brook gave Zoro the booze.

"Usopp, can I ask you to help me with a new invention later?" Franky asked, gaining both Usopp and Chopper's attention.

Everyone began to have their own little conversations, Zoro began spacing out since he was still lacking sleep and was stuck in his imagination. He was so lost, he didn't realize that everyone had focused their attention on him after Luffy had repeatedly called him plenty of times.

"Oi Marimo!" Sanji smacked him on the head.

Immediately getting Zoro's attention. Zoro held his head and furiously looked at Sanji.

"What the hell, shitty cook?!" Zoro yelled.

"Are you fucking deaf? Luffy has been calling you this entire time!" Sanji shouted.

Zoro now realized that all eyes were on him. He didn't want to explain to them why he spaced out for so long, but he did come up with a decent excuse.

"I know he's been calling me! I was just making sure that what I heard earlier wasn't some kind of disastrous thing on the ship. That's why I've been looking outside this entire time! You have no manners." Zoro crossed his arms.

"I have no manners?! Why you little-" Sanji was cut off.

"Shut up!" Nami smacked both of them on their heads.

They both held their heads as Luffy stated why he wanted to talk to Zoro. Everyone around the table chatted and got along well before leaving the kitchen in pairs, leaving Zoro and Sanji to be the last ones there.

"How are you feeling, Marimo?" Sanji asked. "You spaced out earlier, I think you should go get some more sleep."

Zoro sighed, grabbed his swords and started walking towards the kitchen door. Sanji grabbed his hand to stop him, Zoro stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Sanji.

"Talk to me, Marimo." Sanji said, "You're not going to deal with this alone."

Zoro loved to hear those words from Sanji, but his sudden urge to exercise grew stronger than them.

"I need to do my daily exercise." Zoro looked at Sanji.

"No! You're not going to do that today!" Sanji yelled and pulled Zoro by his arm.

He proceeded to pull Zoro into a tight hug.

"Your muscles must be so worn out, you need a massage and some more rest. No more exercising for now, Zoro." Sanji said with concern.

"Sanji..." Zoro whispered. "I'm so tired..." Zoro hugged Sanji back tightly.

"It's alright Marimo, I'll be sure to take care of you" Sanji replied.

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