Chapter 12: Hoist the Colors

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Ragetti handed him a lighter, and poured rum over the items.

"...and someone must speak the words: 'Calypso I release you from your human bonds.'"

Pintel scrunched his brows. "Is that it?"

Barbossa glanced at him. "'Tis said it must be spoken as of to a lover."

The crew 'oohed' at that statement.

Barbossa held the lighter up and puffed out his chest. "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds!" He yelled to the sky.

He placed the lighter onto the items, and the whole ship flinched. But nothing happened.

"Is that it?" Pintel asked.

"No, no, no. He didn't say it right." Ragetti said.

Everyone looked at him.

"He didn' have to say it right."

Ragetti cautiously stepped towards Tia and bent down to her ear. "Calypso...I release you from your human bonds."

The items suddenly lit on fire and Tia Dalma began to inhale the smoke.

"Tia Dalma!" Will exclaimed. "Calypso."

Calypso looked to him.

"When the Brethren Court imprisoned you, who was it that told them how? Who was it that betrayed you?" Will rhetorically asked. He already knew who did it.

"Name him." She demanded.

"Davy Jones."

Calypso's face turned to one of shock and betrayal. She cried in pain, and began to grow taller.

"This is it! This is it!" Pintel shouted.

The crew tried to hold onto the ropes that blind her, but it was no use. The ropes slipped from their hands and Calypso continued to grow until she was nearly as tall as the mast.

Barbossa pushed through the crew and knelt before her, as did everyone else.

"Calypso! I come before you as but a servant, humble and contrite. I have fulfilled me vow and now ask your favor. Spare me self, me ship, me crew but unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters. Or mine."

Calypso smirked down at them all and began to shout an incantation, her voice distorted and deep. She kept chanting until her entire body became a tidal wave of crabs that covered the whole ship and the crew as they dove into the water.

The crew sat up after the crabs were gone, Pintel pulled one off his nose, and Ragetti grabbed one out of his pants.

"Is that it?" Will asked.

The crew looked over the side of the ship, but didn't see anything.

"Why she's no help at all." Pintel muttered. Then he looked to Barbossa. "What now?"

"Nothing. Our final hope has failed us."

"It's not over yet." Elizabeth told them.

"There's still a fight to be held." Will added.

"We have an armada against us and with the Dutchman, there's no chance." Gibbs said in defeat.

"There's only a fool's chance." Elizabeth replied.

"Revenge won't bring your father back, Miss Swann." Barbossa reminded her. "And it's not something I'm intending to die for."

Elizabeth turned to him. "You're right." She turned to address the crew. "Then what shall we die for? You will listen to me. Listen!" She shouted.

Elizabeth climbed onto the railing of the Pearl.

"The Brethren are still looking to us, the Black Pearl, to lead. And what will they see? Frightened bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No. No, they will see free men and freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons. They will hear the ring of our swords, and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brows, and the strengths of our backs, and the courage of our hearts. Gentlemen...hoist the colors."

"Hoist the colors." Will repeated.

"Hoist the colors!" (Y/n) exclaimed.

"Hoist the colors."

"Hoist the colors!"

The rest of the crew agreed.

"The wind's on our side boys. That's all we need!" Gibbs shouted.

The rest of the crew cheered back.

Elizabeth turned to the ship next to theirs. "Hoist the colors!" She bellowed.

The ship followed her orders and the rest of the Brethren ships followed suit. Soon enough, all the pirates raised their flags high on their ships, proudly displaying their colors to Beckett and the East India Trading Company. Letting him know that they were not backing down without a fight.

Soon after all the flags were raised, the ships on both sides charged towards each other. Not long after, the winds seemed to change. It began blowing faster and harder, and the clouds in the sky started to swirl, covering the sun, and pouring rain down upon everyone.

"Have you noticed, on top of everything, it's raining?" Pintel yelled to Ragetti.

"That's a bad sign."

"Man the capstan. Raise the main top yard. Keep that powder dry." Gibbs ordered.

Thunder boomed above them and lighting struck the sea between the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman. The sea began to sink, and a giant whirlpool started to form.

Gibbs looked over the side of the ship. "Maelstrom!" He screamed.

(Y/n)'a eyes widened, and she ran over to Barbossa. "Captain Barbossa. We need you at the helm."

Barbossa turned and looked her up and down. "Aye, that be true." Barbossa approached the wheel and pushed Cotton out of the way. "Brace up yards, you cack-handed deck apes! Dying is the day worth living for!"


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