Chapter 12: Hoist the Colors

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Jack stood in a cell watching some of Davy Jones' crew walk past him.

"Bravo!" A voice cheered.

Jack jumped and turned to find a clone of himself sitting on the bench in his cell.

"You've successfully arrived aboard the Dutchman as per the overall scheme."

Real Jack marched toward the clone. "Look—."

"Oh yes." Another clone interrupted. "Chapeau, mate. Except for this sojourn in the brig, it's utter clockwork."

"Go away." Jack told his clones.

"What, back to the Locker?"

"Not without you, Jackie."

"And certainly not without (Y/n)."

"You leave her out of this." Jack snapped at his clones.

"Stab the heart." A new voice interrupted.

They all turned to see another version of Jack, that was covered in coral and seaweed, seemingly embedded into the ship.

"Live forever as Captain of the Flying Dutchman. Then again, if you're in the brig, who's to stab the heart?" He rasped.

"Does seem to put immortality a bit out of reach." One Jack said.

"And there's the 'No (Y/n)' problem." Another added.

One Jack shuffled through real Jack's hair and pulled something out. "Oh! Peanut."


Elizabeth, Barbossa, Will and (Y/n) boarded the Black Pearl.

"We'll need to use the Black Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack." Elizabeth said.

"Oh will we now?" Barbossa asked smugly, crossing his arms.

Will, Elizabeth, and (Y/n) looked past him to see the crew leading Tia Dalma out of the brig, all tied up in ropes.

"Barbossa, you can't release her." Will insisted.

As soon as he said that, the crew turned their pistols on him, Elizabeth and (Y/n).

"We need to give Jack a chance." (Y/n) argued.

Barbossa snapped his head to her. "Apologies, Miss (Y/n). Too long my fate has not been in me own hands. No longer."

He reached for Sao Feng's piece of eight, that was now around Elizabeth's neck, and ripped it off.

Pintel held the bowl in front of Tia Dalma and Barbossa dropped Jack's and Elizabeth's pieces in.

"Be there some manner of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked.

"Aye. The items brought together, done. Items to be burned..."

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