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"Agents, aim at my lovely Lilith." Kilgrave ordered.

I froze as soon as all of the agents that were surrounding the area pointed their guns toward me, their expressions blank and their motions like a robot. I groaned violently, my eyes glowing silver like the moon.

"You need to fucking stop this." I gritted through my teeth, feeling all of the vehicles around me. "It isn't doing any good."

"And you need to fucking listen to me!" Kilgrave yelled, walking towards me. "I am tired of these games and I am sick of reminding you that you are mine every damn time. Just accept it, you are mine, Lilith! Ever since our first day you are my property and mine forever!"

The agents cocked their guns.

I groaned. "You're so annoying." I said suddenly I lifted up my arms and the vans levitated up, glowing silver and white.

"FIRE!" Kilgrave blasted out.

The agents started shooting towards me, but too late, I already had the vans in position to cover me. They transformed into a shield, cocooning me inside. I took a deep breath, hearing the bullets hit each of the sides of my protection.

I groaned at the intense forces against mine, and I then moved my hands forcibly towards Kilgrave, where the vans turned into white metal daggers flying towards his heart.

Kilgrave widened his eyes in surprise, before dodging the bullets entirely.

I huffed in annoyance before I jumped towards him, ready to throw a punch towards his snide face.

Too late. Kilgrave grabbed my wrist before I can make any sudden moves. I growled before I tried to yank my arm out of his grasp but he held my wrist tighter, his nails digging in my skin.

"Let me go." I gritted.

"Never. Not until you submit to me my dear Lilith." Kilgrave said, looking at me in the eyes.

"Not in your dreams." I revolted.


I turned to see Quinn run towards me and the scene.

"Mr. Rhodes I told you not to come out!" The driver followed him.

Quinn made it up to me before the agents blocked his way. "LET HER GO, KILGRAVE!" He screamed. "I'M SICK OF YOUR BULLSHIT!"

"And I'm sick of yours." Kilgrave replied. "FIRE AT HIM!" He yelled.

The agents turned their guns towards my husband, and I widened my eyes before I turned to Kilgrave who was enjoying the scene.

"STOP!" I yelled.

Kilgrave raised his eyebrows. "Huh, what was that Lilith?"

"I said stop." I said. "I will submit to you Kilgrave just leave him alone."

Kilgrave looked at me in interest, before snapping his fingers and the agents were back to normal.

"Are you sure about this, Lilith?" Kilgrave asked. "You will be mine? Forever?"

I glanced over at Quinn who was shaking his head before back at the man who ruined my life and will continue to ruin it as long as he breathes.

"Yes, Kilgrave." I agreed.

Kilgrave's smile went manic before he walked up to me, moving my hair behind my ear in delight before leaning in to kiss me passionately. I kissed him back, but not as intentional as he was.

He pulled away before taking my hand, looking at the SHIELD agents in anger before taking me away.

"LILITH!" Quinn yelled.

I could hear him, but I have a plan. It'll work out I hope.

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