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I drove through the streets of New York, my foot on the gas pedal, almost breaking it. I gritted through my teeth, in both anger and annoyance. I have no idea what Kilgrave had in mind going into my old apartment, but I needed to know and stop him before anything else. I turned a sharp right towards the street the building complex was on. I hit the brakes as soon as I reached it, and made my way inside the building.

I opened the door, seeing the familiar dark hallway and lit candles. I remember choosing this apartment because of how dark and how calm the building was. I shook my head. I needed to focus on what or who was upstairs.

I made my way up the stairs, down the hall where I stood in front of the door of my old home. I thought I was safe living here. But not safe enough for a guy like Kilgrave being able to barge in like that.

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door. I looked around at the empty apartment. The floor was dusty, a couple of boxes sat in the corner, along with the chandelier swaying due to the wind from outside, the window being cracked open.

I squinted my eyes, scanning the room once again. Where the hell was he? He simply can't be walking down the same street for no reason.

After a couple minutes of me looking over the same scene over and over again, I called it defeat and looked away.

"Nothing beats home, Lilith."

I turned back at the room and saw Kilgrave walking from the dark corner of the apartment, a small smile came from his face as he walked towards me.

I groaned. He was really testing my limits. "Why are you here, Kilgrave?" I asked.

"I wanted to remanence on some old memories, this is where we first met after all." Kilgrave replied, putting his hand through my hair.

I backed away. "You mean the day that ruined my life for the worst. The day you barged in my apartment and my life like a plague. Yeah I remember clearly."

"I bet you still remember how good it felt when I pressed my lips against yours, how good it felt when our bodies were against each others..." Kilgrave said, his eyes still on mine.

"You raped me, clearly." I snapped back. "Like you did with Jessica."

"Keep in mind I wasn't controlling you." Kilgrave said.

I huffed loudly. "Kilgrave! For the love of fucking god! Quit lying! You have controlled me to go into your apartment, where you planned to keep me forever and be your little Jessica #2. There was no little sweet love story! There was nothing of that kind ever with you! You don't know love and never will! Give the fuck up!" I screamed, not caring if other residents heard me.

I stared at Kilgrave, his eyes soft as he looked at me. Suddenly thoughts of the video tape I have seen back then of the little boy who was forced these powers, the parents who left him to be experimented on.

Kilgrave went up to me and pressed his lips against mine, and I didn't refuse. And not that I was being controlled, I was immune. But it was something else. I felt him hold me, and I suddenly snapped out of it. I pulled back and pushed him away.

"Next time you do that, I'll kill you." I threatened, storming out of the room.

I could only hear Kilgrave's small chuckle as I walked down the stairs.

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