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The pack of white Lexus vans made their way towards Central Park in a hurry, driving past stoplights and ignoring the honks of drivers as they went through the city. Me and Quinn were in the van in the back, sitting in the mid seats as the van went back and forth, hitting curbs and potholes.

I looked out the window with anger and anxiety. I don't know what Kilgrave is planning, but I am for sure ready for it. Give me more emotional manipulation, give me more begging, give me more slaps in the face, that is all past me now. It's time to end this once and for all. All the years of pain and suffering he put me through....


Quinn's voice made me jump back in reality.

"We're here." He added.

I felt the van stop and I glanced out the window again, seeing the vans line up in formation, lights blaring at the famous park.

"Don't get out until Coulson says the word." The driver of the van advised. "For now, watch the footage from the drone."

The back of the driver's seat opened up to reveal a screen, and it turned on, showing the SHIELD logo before going to the footage.

The drone seemed to be in a tree, and it showed perfect view of the line of vans in front of the bench where Kilgrave sat, acting like he didn't care about being flash banged right there.

The middle van's door opened, and Coulson walked out, having an escort behind him. He strode up to Kilgrave, with nothing but disgust in his face.

"Kilgrave, you have ten seconds to tell me what you're planning or you will be detained. Properly." Coulson stated, crossing his arms.

Kilgrave glanced up at him, a snide look on his face. "Give me her." he stated with no hesitation.

Coulson raised his eyebrow. "You know my answer."

The doors of the other vans opened and made their way to surround the area, one of them holding a case making their way behind Kilgrave.

"What's that?" I asked with a frown.

"It's something that they think can limit Kilgrave's powers." Quinn said. "I only saw the beta for it."

"And you didn't bother to tell me?" I said with a scowl.

"Like I said it was in beta." Quinn said. "They have no idea it will even work."

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to watch the footage. Here I was, still worried about Kilgrave when they were planning to stop him a bit ago.

Kilgrave stood up from his bench, looking at Coulson with annoyance and indulgence. "Did I fucking stutter?" He asked. "I said. Give me her. GIVE ME HER!" His veins were purple again, just like when I first escaped his apartment those years ago.

Coulson's eyes went from determined to blank. "Bring out Lilith." He said through the mic.

The driver nodded and unlocked the back doors, and I opened mine, feeling the cold air hit my face. I walked out, making sure I felt every object's presence around me, my eyes glowing silver. I walked out into the park, right in front of Coulson.

I watched as Kilgrave watched my every movement, liking it as more as I got closer. I knew he was planning this for a long time. I can feel it.

"Oh hello my dear Lilith." Kilgrave said exasperatedly. "It's nice to see you again. Are we ready for the third game? Let round one start."

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