Chapter One: Her quirkless savior

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Inko has been very ill for the passed few months and Izuku is trying to get a job to support her. He's still 14 and most don't hire 14 year olds. Izuku's father was overseas so he couldn't support them.  Izuku was going to go out to get s few things and try to look for another job.

"Mom, I'm headed out okay?" Izuku says.

"Okay Izuku..." Inko said weakly.

Izuku kissed his mother's forehead then heads out the door. He walks down the street then sighs.

"I need to get a job soon...Or else we'll go hungry" Izuku mumbles to himself.

He walks into the grocery store and goes straight to the back. Izuku pulls out the money in his pocket then sighs heavily.

"I don't have enough..." He whispered

Izuku then began to walk back out the store. He kept his head low as he walked out the store. Izuku then sighs and goes to a nearby bus stop. He sat down on a bench then leans back on the bench.

*I'm a failure....* Thought Izuku 

Izuku shuts his eyes and sighs deeply. A nice lady walks up to Izuku and taps his shoulder. Izuku opens his eyes and looks at the lady.

"Are you okay?" The girl asks.

"Yes, I'm alright" Izuku lied.

The girl smiled then sat down next to him.

"What's your name?" Asked the girl.


"Nice to meet you Izuku, I'm Momo."

Izuku looked at the girl with curiosity. No one has been this nice to him because he's Quirkless. Probably once he tells her she'll hate him and make fun of him. She is a nice looking girl but he can never be too sure.

"If you don't mind me asking, What is your quirk Izuku?" Smiled Momo 

"... I'm quirkless" Izuku mumbled.

There was a moment of silence before Momo put her hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"I'm sorry" She says.

Izuku looked at her shocked.

"Y-your not disgusted?" Izuku asks.

"Why would I be disgusted? Not everyone has a quirk and that's okay." She says.

*Who is this girl?* Thought Izuku.

"Well, it was nice to meet you Izuku, I have to get going now" Momo says then stands up walking away.

Izuku watched her leave then looks back down at the ground. Izuku then realizes his mother is still at home.

"Shit!" Izuku yells then starts heading home.

Izuku kept running trying to get home as fast as he can. Izuku then hears screaming, Izuku was going to ignore it but the voice sounded familiar. Izuku then sighs then heads to where the screaming is coming from. He walk up to an alleyway to see the girl from earlier. 

"Come on pretty lady~" The pervert said.

"No leave me alone you pervert!" Momo yells

"You're going to regret talking to me like that!" 

The pervert then slapped Momo knocking her to the ground. He then kneel down to her level and grin mischievously at her. Momo looks up at the guy with tears in her eyes. Izuku stood a distance away in shock.

*W-what do I do?!* Izuku thought.

Izuku then gritted his teeth and lowers his head. He knew he couldn't do anything with how weak he was. Izuku's eyes then widen. He looks back up at the pervert and Momo then balls up his fist then ran up to the pervert punching him. The pervert was caught by surprise then looks at Izuku pissed.

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