A Deal Struck

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"Beat you again, Lee!"

Sarah's feet landed softly on the grass in the training grounds, and she swung her leg off her broomstick.

"Only because you cheated!" He remained hovering a few inches off the ground, scowling at her. "I saw you cut behind the astronomy tower!"

"The course was to fly from here to the owlery and back," she stated calmly.

"Yeah, going in a circle!"

"I went in a circle. The fact that my circle was a bit smaller than yours is of little consequence."

Barnaby tilted his head, trying to work out what she said. Her laughter became a shriek as he charged her. She took off, but only ran a few steps before he'd scooped her up with his right arm.

"Cut it out! You'll drop me!"

But Barnaby spun her around and Sarah swung her legs so that she was perched safely on the broom in front of him.

"You're mine now, Spellman."

"Where are you taking me?"

"To see what we do with cheaters where I'm from."

He turned his broom and flew forward until they were hovering only a few feet above the black lake, close to the shore.

"Alright, off you pop."

Barnaby gave her a little nudge. She yelled and clutched the broom more tightly.

"Don't you dare!"

"I won't if you say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry...that you're such a lousy flyer."

Barnaby did a barrel roll. Sarah wasn't certain if she were screaming or giggling.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I cheated!"

"Good. Now, say I'm the best at quidditch."

Sarah glanced over his arm at the water below. "I suppose it's not that far of a swim to shore."

Barnaby laughed, then turned the broom around, setting them down on the rocky beach. He put an arm around her as they sat down to watch the sunset. She nestled in, gratefully breathing in his familiar scent.

"How're things?" she asked.

"Which things?"

"You know, things in general. How have you been?"

"Can't complain. I mean, my marks aren't very good, and I'm still getting flirty letters from that Avery woman. But other than that, I'm great."

"That's disgusting," said Sarah, sitting up to meet his eyes.

He shrugged. "I just don't open them anymore. And every now and then I write Gran a letter making it sound like Merula's madly in love with me so she'll leave me alone about it." He looked down at her. "Why do you ask?"

She nestled back into his arm. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

"Good. I think about you a lot, too."

"Did you hear about Penny and Talbott?"

"Yeah. The whole castle has."

Sarah let her eyes wander out over the water as she thought. She and Talbott hadn't managed to find the ghostly swan, but she'd promised not to rest until they did. She hated seeing how badly he was suffering. She understood what it felt like, to desperately search for some small trace of a lost loved one, not knowing for certain if they were really even out there. And now, he didn't even have Penny to help him through it.

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