Going Alone

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"I can't believe she crossed us like that!" Ben grunted as the two made their way up to the castle. 

"I could've told you not to trust Rita Skeeter," Sarah muttered. "And next time, maybe ask me before you promise someone a record of my life's story for the nation to gawk at."

Ben didn't apologize. "How are we going to break into this Umbridge woman's office?"

Sarah rubbed her face. She felt as exhausted as if she'd been the one taking hits from Baglan's bludgers all afternoon, rather than the Hufflepuffs. 

"We've got a few days to figure that out," she said. She was still sore at Ben for enacting this plan against her wishes, but now she seemed to be invested. "For now, I'm going to visit Rath, and then attend to my massive pile of homework."

Ben nodded. "I'll meet you for breakfast first thing tomorrow to come up with a plan." 


The plan was simple, as all the best plans are. It would rely on no small amount of luck, as all the best plans do. The first stroke of luck was that the magical maintenance department would be constructing routine inspections the following week, meaning Sarah had a good excuse to visit Umbridge's office without an invitation. The second bit of luck was that they were friends with Tulip Karasu, who enthusiastically provided them with a suitable method to get Umbridge out of the way.

"A dungbomb?" Sarah asked, grimacing at the object Tulip had placed in her hand. 

"Trust me, it's perfect," Tulip assured. "I've met that old hag. She's a neat freak. Hates all things dirty or smelly. As soon as she gets a whiff of this bad boy, she'll storm out of her office and refuse to go in until she's 100% sure it's clean again."

"Still. Seems too...juvenile?"

Tulip looked affronted. "There's nothing wrong with the classics, Sarah Spellman. Dungbombs have been my go-to prank for years. They're simple, yet elegant."

The plans made, all Sarah had to do was find whatever information Rita Skeeter was looking for without getting caught. It was risky, but well, all the best plans were. 

Ben gave her a nod as she got off the elevator on the second floor. They'd chosen not to tell the others what they were up to. Sarah looked back as her friends were taken up and away from her, hoping this wasn't the last time she'd see them without being wrapped in chains. 

She took a deep breath and walked up to Umbridge's office to knock on the door. 

"Enter," called a sickly-sweet voice. 

Sarah did as she was told. "Good morning, Madam Umbridge. I'm here to inspect--"

"Ah, Miss Spellman! Come in. I've been meaning to reach out to you for a little chat." 

"You have?" Sarah hesitantly took a seat in the chair across form Umbridge's desk. She'd gotten the impression from  her last meeting that Umbridge despised students. 

"Yes, to thank you for your work in capturing that wampus, and to have a little chat. Here, I'll get you some tea." 

"Oh no thank  you, Madam. I'm just here to do an inspection for Magical Maintenance."

Umbridge ignored her, so Sarah waited for her to fetch the tea tray from a table behind her. As soon as the witch's back was turned, Sarah whipped the dungbomb out of her pocket and placed it under the desk. She had a couple minutes at the most before it went off. Umbridge turned back around, and Sarah pretended to be looking at the furnishings to avoid suspicion. 

This room was unlike any place she'd ever been. Everything--the walls, the floor, the furniture, even the office supplies--were various shades of pink. Now that she thought about it, Umbridge always work pink robes as well. She also clearly had a fondness for cats; her desk was littered with figurines of kittens, and decorative plates hung from her walls with dozens of cats playing and mewling. 

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