scary butler (1)

Depuis le début

The head butler took a pause as he assessed the situation, trying to think of what to add. Truth be told, the butler was well aware of how unusual everything was, right from the start that this young master of his started questioning all of a sudden. Obviously, he was suspicious, although put on a facade that he is best know as- the gentle butler.

Making up his mind and discarding any other thoughts circling inside, he gave a benign smile and addressed Shinu. "Ever since you were young, i have known you young master-nim." This was his way of saying that he's been the one taking care of Shinu -or Nephus, rather- and changing his diapers. "I could confidently say that i know you more than anyone else could. From how you would rather be called by your alias than your actual name, to how you have fondness towards animals yet are unable to bring one under your wing..."

The head butler took a sharp intake of breath, as if reminiscing about the past, but just as fleeting as that expression appeared, it disappeared as if he had never even made such look. The warmth on his gaze was replaced by coldness, a depth that was too deep to comprehend. "...however, you seem to have changed so suddenly, but i guess i am not one to complain." He shut his eyes for a few seconds, opening them again as he gave a gentle look -which looked extremely vicious- with a smile. "Perhaps, i could understand to some degree."

Fuck! that surprised me... Shinu almost flinched, his heart racing as he paled, but he tried to hide it with a nonchalant facade and raised a brow instead. "I see, you have quite the exceptional observation skills..."

The head butler gave another hearty laugh, his eyes twinkling along with his unnoticeable wrinkles. He had taken notice of the way the former paled, but said nothing to address it. "There is a no need for the young master-nim to be praising me, it is only expected as you have been entrusted to me by your father, and i shall do as he says."

Shinu blinked, he could swear that he saw that scary old man's eyes go soft, but it was gone in an instant that he doubted if he was just seeing things. "...sure..."

Taking his time to think of what to ask next, he calmly spoke, but it is a statement rather than a question. "That reminds me, my father and i don't have quite the good father-son relationship...i hope it doesn't affect you, as our servants." Seeing how the easy-going butler's face sank, Shinu started to debate if it was a good idea bringing up such obvious topic-

"Not, not at all young master-nim, in fact we understand. Your business with your father is a matter that only families should fix, not ours to poke into." the head butler paused, seemingly thinking whether to continue or not. "...But in all truthfulness young master-nim, you and the lord-nim surely don't get along well to the point that it might be quite unhealthy for the other party."

-or maybe it is.
Shinu beamed internally, but his poker face remained without an inch moving. Though of course, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of confusion. 'unhealthy'...? the hell does that even imply.

Shinu decided not to dwell on it too much and asked away casually, "really? well...that might be, true." He cleared his throat, looking away awkwardly.

"Mhm, pardon me if it seems quite personal, hohoho." The head butler responded with a dry laugh, making Shinu use every ounce of his being not to jump from his seat. "Well...i do hope that the issue with your father will soon be resolved, young master-nim."

With that good-old statement, Shinu could feel his back breaking into cold sweats.

"Additionally," The head butler seems to have more to say, thus Shinu snapped out of his inner turmoil. "Your father has always been away from overseas, that is why he rarely comes home. Hence, the reason as to why we're here, as your servants."

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