I hear him look all around the bathroom. He wouldn't think to look in the cabinets would he?

No One POV:

Apparently Bakugo thought other than deku. He swings open the cabinet, as Deku screams. Bakugo grabs Izuku's arms as he tries to escape.
"Kacchan! Let me go!" Izuku screams.
"No! Your going to listen to me!" Bakugo screams back.
"WHY! YOUR JUST GONNA YELL AT ME!" Izuku yells as he started crying again. Bakugo calms down as he brings Deku into a hug. Izuku starts sobbing.
"Izuku...." Bakugo asked
"...." Izuku didn't say anything just stopped crying for a second.
"You do realize I wasn't drunk right?" Izuku looked up at Bakugo.
"W-what?" Izuku asked.
"Last night when we were drinking, I acted as if I drank half the bottle that's why I didn't split my bottle with anyone."
"But but, you c-certainly looked drunk...." Izuku stammered
"What can I say, I'm a good actor." Izuku buried his head in Katsuki's chest.

✨Time skip bc idk what else to put for a transition✨

⚠️Slight Smut warning⚠️

Izuku POV:
Kacchan pinned me to the wall kissing me harshly. Hardly letting me break for air. I tapped his back repeatedly before he let me breathe.
"K-kacchan..." I say
"Yes Izu?" He says
"N-nothing...just happy."
"Okay" He says with a smile, before he goes back to kissing me. Slamming his lips back down onto mine, slightly biting my bottom lip. I know what he's doing so, I keep my mouth closed. He doesn't seem to happy about it, because he wraps his hands around my waist and squeezes my ass. I gasp at the motion, as I did he shoves his tongue into my mouth, swirling it all around, exploring every inch of my mouth. The taste of alcohol still on his tongue, faint but it's there, that and the scent of caramel fills my senses. Kacchan picks my legs up and wraps them around his waist as he walks me over to the bed. He lays me down on my back, my legs still around his waist. He begins to move his hips agains mine.
"Ah~ ngh~" I moan
"You enjoy that huh deku~"
(A little degrading it's not much but it's there)
"Ngh~ ah~ ha ha...yes sir"
"You want to take my dick like the slut you are~"
I stop talking. I release Kacchan.
"I-I'm...w-what..." Tears filling my eyes. Kacchan notices and the smile on his face vanishes. He sits back and looks at his hands.
"I-I didn't mean it Izuku...I-I wanted to try something and forgot to ask If that's okay with you." I look up at Kacchan, and I see tears? Is Kacchan crying?
"K-Kacchan? Are you okay?" I ask reaching a hand out to his face. He slaps it away as he says,
"I'm fine Izu.."
"Kacchan. Your crying your not fine."
"Never mind that deku." He says. I get up off the bed, to go grab something, I go to a box labeled My Memories and pull out a yearbook. I place it on the bed as I sit down and open up to the first page.
"Kacchan! Look at how cute you were!" I exclaim.
"Were?" He asks smirking "I'm fucking handsome now!"
"Yea yea feed your ego." I say laughing.
"I don't have a ego"
"Yes you do." I say. He tackles me playfully as he pins my hands above my head.
"I said I don't." He said laughing. We forgot to lock my door, so we hear it creak open. Mina peeps her head in.
"Oop- am I interrupting some time?" She says smiling.
"GET YOUR HEAD PUT OF THE GUTTER RACOON EYES!" Kacchan shouts as he gets off. Mina ducks her head out fairly quickly. I laugh at Kacchan.
"Wanna keep laughing nerd?"
"No..hahahahaaahah" I can't stop laughing even though Kacchan will blow me up.

(Okay I can't do laughing dialogue so bare with me please 😭)

I run out of the room and down the hall. Since I couldn't stop laughing. He's gonna blow me up. I quickly run to the common room and literally dive over the couch to avoid him. I end up crashing into Todoroki-kun.
"Sorry Todoroki-kun!" I say getting up and running into the kitchen. I hide in the Islands cabinets. I hear Kacchan enter the common room.
"WHERES DEKU!" He screams.
"You mean, where's your boyfriend~" Mina says teasingly.
"Deku is not my shitty boyfriend!"
"There's nothing wrong with being gay dude, I mean Todoroki, Kami, Shinso, Aizawa, Present Mic and Izuku are all gay or bi, Bakubro." Kirishima says.
"Wait Deku's gay?!"
"Well he's pansexual, but you didn't know that!" Uraraka said sounding shocked.
"He wasn't hiding it, he just wasn't sure how you'd react.." Kirishima said.
"Deku-kun is a very nervous person, you should know that better then everyone! So when he found out he was Pan he didn't want to ruin whatever your relationship was at the time.." Uraraka said.
"H-how long have you guys known...?" Kacchan asks sounding scared of his answer....
"End of our first year..." Uraraka said. It went silent. I couldn't tell what Kacchan reaction was since I was still in the cabinet. When I heard them tell Kacchan I was pansexual it kinda hurt...I wanted to tell Kacchan myself...but didn't know how.

"Wait wait wait...so let me get this straight, Deku didn't tell me because he was scared of how I'd react...." Kacchan asked. I'm guessing they shook their heads because it was silent. "O-oh..." I wanted to cry, but since I was in the cabinet if I moved something would come crashing down.

After some time I believe everyone left the room. I still wanted to cry so I did. I cried for what seemed like forever. Apparently someone heard me, and was walking towards the kitchen. I quickly covered my mouth to try not to be found.

(Don't ask me why he was still hiding)

When the cabinet opens I see Kaminari.
"Midoriya what are you doing in here?" He asks
"I-I was hiding from Kacchan, t-then people told my secret so I just stayed in here..."
"Why were you crying?" He asks
"I don't want to talk about it..."
"Alright." he says. Just then someone walks into the kitchen.
"Who are you talking to Dunce Face?" I hear. My heart drops.
"Oh I'm just talking to the pans."
"What is Deku in there?" He asks jokingly
"Haha no man, just actual pans." Kaminari says
"Alright, well let me know if you see Deku."
"Will do" He says, then he turns back to me.
"C'mon come out of there." I slowly creep out of the cabinets, and into Kaminari's arms. I start crying again. "Hey hey hey, what's wrong?"
"P-people t-told some someone that that I-I'm pan...and i-it really h-hurt..."
"Hey It's okay... but your going to have to talk to Bakugo okay?"
"What!" I scream "No I can't! He's going to be mad I didn't tell him!"
"He won't okay, Bakugo has changed? Trust me he won't hurt you." I want to believe Kaminari but i can't.

OMG! I KNOW IM POSTING THIS SO LATE! IM SORRY! I legit procrastinated and thought I was gonna get my phone taken away. (I only procrastinated the story) I'm sorry! And I have no clue if I'll post one this weekend, since I have work. Anyway! I hope you enjoyed part four 😭.

Word Count 2055

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