Chapter 29: Confrontation

Start from the beginning

Your thoughts were interrupted by a glass of light brown liquid and ice sliding across the table in front of you. Johnny sitting across from you with presumably the same beverage.

"Still like whiskey?" He asked.

"Through and through." You nodded, reaching for your glass. "To be honest, I'm sorta surprised this isn't what killed me."

He furrowed a brow and cocked his head to the side a little. He knew you liked to drink but you didn't develop a full blown addiction until after he was gone, so he didn't quite gather what you meant by that.

"You look good, by the way." He offered. "I mean, you always did, but... Hell was good to you in terms of appearance."

You nodded again and felt a soft chuckle slither from your throat. "Yeah. You do too. Weird not seeing you with blue eyes, anymore."

"Yeah, yeah." He laughed gently. "So what have you been up to? Aside from enjoying the party life and finding yourself a new boyfriend...?"

"Practicing for work." You answered. Taking a large gulp of your beverage. The taste of Jameson and sour mix greeting your tastebuds; making you hum in satisfaction as you swallowed and took another sip.

"Oh yeah? Where you working?"

"The Happy Hotel."

His eyes went wide. "You trying to redeem yourself too?"

Another laugh escaped your lips, and you shook your head.

"Fuck no. The princess asked me if I'd be interested in doing shows for guests, after I told her about the circus life."

"So you're still doing aerial work?" He asked, a gentle smile forming on his face. "That's awesome, Y/n. I'm glad you get to keep doing what you love."

"Me too." You nodded.

"How is it there? Do you like working for the princess?"

"She's a lot more forgiving than my folks were."

"They good to you there?" He then asked.

"Employment with decent pay, a nice room to live in, and hot well-made meals." You answered. "They practically spoil me."

"Good." He nodded. "I'm glad you seem like you're doing well. I want that for you."

Yeah, I bet. You thought bitterly. Taking another hefty sip from your drink.

"Can we wrap this up quickly?" You then asked. "I told you I wanted an explanation and you said you would provide one."

"Are you in a hurry?" Johnny wondered.

"I'm not supposed to be here."

"Ah. Can't let your boyfriend know you're here, I'm guessing. Huh?"

You felt your eyes narrowed in irritation. Even if he was right, you didn't like being called out like that. Especially from someone you weren't particularly fond of anymore.

"Guess some old habits do die hard. If you're still sneaking around and doing things you aren't supposed to." He added almost bitterly. Really, he wasn't mad at you for doing what you were doing. He was jealous. While you spent the last couple years of your life getting over him, he never stopped missing you. Finding out you had moved on hurt more than your smack in the face did.

You set your glass down harshly and glared back at him. "You gonna tell me what is so fucking important that I need to know? Or did you just want to berate me for my choices?"

"Well to be honest Y/n, it might be none of my business now, but yeah. I think you could be making better choices."

"Check yourself before you put me down, Johnny. You were one of my choices, afterall."

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