"Rowan, fix my line...Charlie, turn around. Avarice, you can't walk and talk at the same time- no you cannot. Turn around please- see look! You're bumping into Rowan."

Correction after correction. I hate having to repeat myself! They know that.

After we reached our destination I instructed everyone to sit at their seats quietly. I needed a moment of silence.

"Miss Black?"

"She ran away." I sighed.

"Can I go to the bathroom?"

"I don't know I think you're missing a word, Cassidy."

"Please?" The little girl added.

"Take the pass and hurry back," I nodded, sitting up straight in my chair, "Where's my mailman?"

"I'm here!" Charlie called.

"C'mere. I need my delivery people, too."

Both Halo and Elliot removed themselves from their seats and began approaching me.

"Charlie, I need you to to give out these papers, Halo, give everyone a index card, and Elliot, you give everyone a marker."

All three of them did as they were told and within two minutes all three jobs were completed. All three of them got a class dojo point.

I like using class dojo because it makes my job a little bit easier. I don't have to go out of my way to contact parents and I'm heavily thankful.

"Alright on the sheet of paper is a list- Logan, what's on the list?"

"I don't know." The boy shrugged.

"Exactly. Stop talking. Can anyone tell me what they think is on the paper? Valentine, can you give it a shot?"


"That's a word on the list, I need a name for every word. Atticus ?"

"Adjectives!" He answered.

"Perfect. I'll give you a point in just a second," I nodded, "Who knows what an adjective is?"

Halo's hand shot up causing me to smile.

"Let me hear it, Halo"

"It's a describing word."

"Correct! I'll put your dojo points in too. Ok so on the back of your paper is one of your classmate's name. You're going to write down five adjectives and then we're gonna try to guess who it is. I also need you to specify if the person is a boy or a girl. Now, take a second to look at these adjectives. Are there any words on here that you don't know the meaning of?"

Only a few hands flew up causing a smile to appear on my face. That's a good thing and it means their parents are using these words around them.

"I'll start with Esme."


"Zealous is another word for passionate. Charlie?"

My Daughter's Teacher Where stories live. Discover now