6. you're on your own, kid

804 35 22

(Special trigger warning for blood and violence)

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(Special trigger warning for blood and violence)

Beth started to wake up. She was on someone's shoulder, she could hear muffled voices and she could tell she was outside because of the wind. She tried moving but the person holding her was too strong. It looked like a man, but she wasn't sure since she could only see the ground and the person's back.

"Who did this?" Beth heard a woman ask.

"We think it was outsiders. We found a truck, loaded. It's not a FEDRA vehicle, but they were heavily supplied" Beth heard a man say. "Could be mercs".

"Well, if Henry has a radio... maybe he found someone out there. He... M... Maybe he called these guys in" the same woman from before said.

"We found her, though. She was with them" the man said, before Beth was dropped to the ground. She grunted in pain and before she could even get up, three guys pointed their rifles at her.

Beth looked up and saw a woman, which she assumed was the one who talked before, looking at her with a devious smile. That smile quickly disappeared, and then the woman walked away.

The woman quickly came back. "This is Henry's work. Understand? And he won't stop until we stop him. Find who did this. Find every collaborator and kill them all" she said.

Beth knew that Joel was the one who did that, and fear washed over her. She wasn't scared for herself. She was scared for Ellie and Joel because these people were clearly pissed, and that woman was hungry for revenge.

"Take her" the woman said. The same guy picked her up again, throwing her over his shoulder. She tried to fight him, but he held her even more tightly.

Beth tried to memorize the path they were taking. She looked around and saw big metal containers which she guessed was where they were going to keep her. That is, until they turned left and walked down some stairs. 

It was a small room with cells. They opened one and threw her on the ground, and before she could move, they handcuffed her to the floor. "Let me out you pigs!" she yelled as they were leaving. "Fuck you!"

She tried pushing the handcuff, but it was only making her wrist hurt. She looked up and saw a small window. She tried to get up, but the handcuff only allowed her to get on her knees. The walls were full of marks. To her surprise, there was a small hole covered by rusty bars at the bottom of the wall connecting her cell to the one next to her.

She lay down on the dirty floor and looked through the hole. "Is there anyone in here?" Beth asked, as the cell seemed empty.

"I'm here" a faded voice said. Beth could tell it was a girl.

Beth sighed out of relief. "Hi, what's your name?" she asked.

"Mallory" the girl said, and by her voice Beth understood she was young.

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