Chapter Eighteen

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"Do you realize how close you came to being sacrificed?" my mother scolded Sabrina. We all sat in the kitchen listening to the war that raged on between them. "I didn't think you would let me go through with the drawing," Sabrina said defensively. "Oh, so it's my fault that you decided to play a game of chicken with me in front of the entire coven. That's rich," Mom scoffed. Aunt Hilda finally stepped in, "Right, well, what's done is done. Let's just praise Satan. He decided to spare you both." Oh, but he hadn't. Not only would Sabrina have to be the shepherd to the lamb. Said lamb was her sworn enemy. "Not entirely. Sabrina drew the lot of handmaiden," I smirked. Ambrose joined in, "Better to be the shepherd than the lamb." We both laughed and Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Which means what, exactly? Aunt Zelda still hasn't told me." Ambrose turned to Sabrina and explained, "The lamb is the queen and the shepherd is the handmaiden." Sabrina looked at both of us in disbelief. "The queen's exaltation is the highest honor, so for the next three days, while the coven fasts and prepares for the feast, the handmaiden must indulge the queen's every whim," My mother went into further detail. The look on Sabrina's face was becoming more solemn by the second. "Great! So I'm supposed to spoil the girl who harrowed me," Sabrina remarked sarcastically. "Preferably with figs and wild berries to sweeten her meat before the feast," Ambrose joked. "That's not even funny, Ambrose," Sabrina chastised. I laughed, "Oh, come on, Cous, it is a little funny. Prudence getting her just desserts by literally becoming the dessert." A crunch sounded behind me as my mom bit into one of Aunt Hilda's cookies. "Nicole! I thought you were against this nonsense. How could you say that?," Sabrina glared at me. I sat up quickly, "Oh yes, that reminds me. I'm starting to feel a bit under the weather. Best if I stay back from the feast this year." I let out a fake cough for good measure and both my aunt and mother cut their eyes at me. The doorbell rang and Ambrose jumped up to go get it. Sabrina and I followed shortly after greeting Prudence in the foyer. "Prudence," Sabrina said flatly. "Handmaiden. I assume my room is upstairs?" Prudence questioned plucking an apple from Sabrina's hands. When Sabrina didn't answer she continued up the stairs, "I'm dying for a warm buttermilk bath. And a plate of macarons." Sabrina looked at me and I simply shrugged my shoulders, "Good luck with that." I turned to Ambrose who's eyes hadn't left Prudence as she sashayed up the stairs. "And you stop it," I pointed at him laughing. He simply smirked as we went about our nightly rituals.

Later that evening I laid in bed trying desperately to drown out the noise echoing from Ambrose's upstairs loft. Music echoed down through the ceiling and the occasional thud could be heard. I buried my face in my pillows praying to Satan to make it stop. Shortly after I felt a presence lingering at my door. "For the last time Ambrose I'm not joining your-" the next words died on my lips as I turned to see Lilith draped casually against the door frame. "My what?" She asked breathily. I rose to my knees as Lilith prowled over to my bed. "You know," I smirked as she leaned down, bringing her lips centimeters from my own. Her hands came to rest on my hips possessively, nails softly digging into the flesh exposed there. "You're telling me those silly little witches think they can touch what's mine?" She teased. I rolled my eyes, "Do you honestly think I would let them?" The smirk on her face became feral as she finally closed the distance between us, capturing my lips with hers. Her tongue swiped against my lower lip and she took full advantage of the little gasp it coaxed out. There was never a battle for dominance, I would relinquish all control to this woman willingly and without regret. Her teeth pulled at my lip gently as her hands snaked up the thin tank top I now wore. "You know it's a shame really. I was so looking forward to ripping that dress off of you," She murmured. I huffed out a laugh, pulling away teasingly, "I could always go put it back on for you." When I moved her grip tightened as her hands came around to pull me against her. "I think this will do just fine, darling, don't you?" She smirked as she moved her hands back under my shirt, lifting the offending garment over my head and tossing it to the side. Any witty remark escaped me the moment she moved my hair to the side to nip sharply at my pulse point. Her tongue darted out to soothe the sting and I was certain there'd be a mark left for tomorrow. Not satisfied, she moved next to my collar bone leaving a string of her marks in careful detail making sure to ruin me for anyone else. "Lilith," I ground out, "please.." Blue eyes flicked up to meet my heated gaze and I was sure I looked every bit the mess I felt. Her tongue traced up the hollow of my throat before her lips met mine once again. The kiss was dizzying and all at once I was consumed by all that Lilith was. Despite the fire that lived inside of me the room had grown impossibly hot and I moved to rid us of the rest of our clothes. My fingers expertly found the zip on Lilith's dress as I pulled back to look up at her for permission. The slight nod she gave was all I needed as I let the dress pool at her feet. I stopped to admire the woman standing before me. It wasn't the first time I had seen Lilith in nothing but her lingerie but it was intoxicating every time nonetheless. She kissed me again, dare I say lovingly. "Be a good girl for me and lay back," She murmured against my lips. Without question I complied moving back and propping myself against the pillows. Lilith stepped out of her heels as she climbed onto the bed. Never breaking eye contact she slid my shorts down my tanned legs by the belt loops officially ridding me of all clothes as I lay bare beneath her. Her eyes drifted down to where her hands ran along my thighs leaving gooseflesh in their wake. Never had I seen Lilith look more ethereal as she did in that moment. I found myself wondering how the false God could possibly deny her Eden. "Lilith," I murmured, breaking her out of her trance. She leaned down kissing me fiercely as her knee came to rest deliciously between the apex of my thighs. I let out a soft moan as one hand came up to tease my breast. She kissed along my jaw and down my chest leaving a trail of lipstick stains until she reached where I needed her most looking up at me. "What do you think, darling, Shall we give them a run for their money?" She asked with a predatory smirk showing off her incredibly white canines. I could only let out a strangled moan as she dove in claiming what was hers.

The next morning I left the kitchen nursing my coffee and nearly ran directly into Sabrina and Prudence. "And where are you two going so early in the morning?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I have school, Cousin," Sabrina replied as if it was the most obvious answer in the world, "and Prudence is coming with me." I looked between the two skeptically. "Prudence? Is going to a mortal highschool?" Sabrina nodded enthusiastically. "She said there would be boys to torment," Prudence reasoned. I nodded slowly processing this new information. On one hand, as a responsible adult I should've probably forbidden it,  on the other, however, it had the potential to be terribly entertaining and gave me the chance to drop in on my favorite demoness. Ambrose trudged downstairs wiping the sleep out of his eyes and I thrust my coffee mug into his hands before moving to grab my jacket and keys. "What the heaven. I'll give you guys a ride," I told them, slipping out the front door with both in tow. Look out Baxter High the witches are coming.

((Tried something different and went a little spicier than usual. Idk lemme know what you think 🤷🏻‍♀️😉))

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